The problem I'm working with is *Write a program that reads in ten whole numbers from the user. The program will calculate and output the following statistics about the ten numbers: ● The sum of all of the positive numbers. ● The sum of all of the non-positive numbers. ● The sum of all ten numbers. ● The average of all of the positive numbers. ● The average of all of the non-positive numbers. ● The average of all ten numbers. Note that your program must accept the ten numbers in any order, and can not ask the user to enter the positive and non-positive numbers separately. ******************************************************************* What I have so far: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int numbers[10]; int pos=0, neg=0, total=0; double total_sum, pos_avg=0, neg_avg=0, total_avg=0; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { cout << "Enter a positive or negative number " << i+1 << ", then press ENTER: ", i; cin >> numbers; if (numbers > 0) pos += numbers; else neg += numbers; } cout << "Sum of all positive numbers: " << pos << endl; cout << "Sum of all negative numbers: " << neg << endl; total_sum = pos + neg; cout << "Sum of all numbers: " << total_sum << endl; cout << "Average of all positive numbers: " << pos_avg << endl; cout << "Average of all negative numbers: " << neg_avg << endl; total_avg = total_sum / 10; cout << "Average of all numbers: " << total_avg << endl; return 0; } ************************************************************** Now I'm only missing the average part where i need to find How would i add in the average part to the program i already have Thank You!!
Give you some hints You already have the sum of the positive numbers and the negative numbers. To get the average of the positive numbers you have to know: - the sum of the positive numbers (which you already have) - the numbers of positive numbers So you only need a variable which count the total of the positive numbers and negative numbers in the IF-LOOP Then at the print out: you divide "pos" by the "count_the_total_positive_numbers_variable_you_put_in_the_loop"