WTF is going on with this world?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by ab289, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    It seems like this world we live in has become sicker and sicker everyday; irregardless of young or old. If this is the future we're moving into, I'm not sure I want to be part of it unless I own an M-16, RPG or something. What the f*** is going on with the kids these days, and what the hell are the parents to bring up this kind of children?
  2. im tired of these "wtf is wrong with this world".

    shit like these have been going on forever, it's only recently, due to media, that people are aware of it. kids raping kids is not new. shits probably been going on for a millenia. they just don't get caught, and there wasn't media to make people aware of it.

    as for the family shunning their daughter, it's just a clash of culture. their culture has been passed on for a long time. and it states in their culture that daughters who are victims of rape are shameful. what im trying to say is that it's not just now that the world is becoming messed up. it's been like this forever. it's due to media that we are finally aware of it.

    same goes for the sex change lady. some people have always wanted to have a sex change. it's only recently that there IS the possibility of a sex change operation. im pretty sure back during the roman era, some wanted sex changes. they just didn't have that option then.

    im not condoning the family's shunning of the daughter, im not justifying their actions, im not trying to justify the woman's decision to have a sex change, im just trying to argue that the claim "wtf is wrong with this world" is false, and non-sense.

    second story: oooo a green beret specialist.... that's actually pretty cool
  3. lol u just noticed? kids as young as 4 are trained to carry machine guns and 8-10 year olds have been popping people on the heads in war torn countries for ages, i'm sure you wouldnt want to hear about people cannibalizing their parents and kidnapping neighbour's childrens during famines. 11 year olds getting maried to 50 year olds... The world is a messed up place, every unimaginable thing has been done and it happens everyday mostly in third would countries but we never hear about them because we don't want to but for the most part its a lifestyle to others.
  4. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    It's true that stuffs like these have been going on for ages but the influx of cases have been skyrocketed in recent years. Media plays a part - good and bad. I guess as you grow older; understand and see more of the world; can't help by feel disgusted by things like these altogether.

    W/ the first case about the rape and kidnap, I don't think it's fair to try the 14 y/o as an adult whilst the others as juvenile. Juvenile charges are dropped from the records once they turned 18 y/o. Personally, I think they should all be charged as adult. When you start acting or behaving like this when you're so young; then you should accept the consequences. Young is no excuse. I feel sorry for the gal.

    As the second case, not really surprise by this and too disgusted by the decision.
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    To sum up Dan's statement: there's nothing 'wrong' with the world in terms of abnormality.

    Human beings are a bizarre species. As a people we just tend to ignore the things that don't fit in with our view of the world, and occasionally we see or hear something that is so outrageous we have to ask, "How could that happen.".

    The disillusionment usually only lasts a short time anyway, then we go back to ignoring the outliers and abnormalities.
  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    maybe i lived in a simpler world and simpler times; i would like to think i'm not that old that i'm complaining about these things. But a 9 year old boy raping an 8 year old girl is not the norm that i know. when i was 9, i worry myself with getting more marbles etc and never about sex. i honestly think the world is more messed up compared to say, a decade ago? what does a 9 year old know about sex, let alone commit the rape crime.
  7. you can't really make the claim that a decade ago, this hasn't happened.

    this is one isolated group of kids who've committed this. you also can't say that this group of kids represent all of the kids in the world.

    it's not the world that's becoming messed up. it's solely the small number of people who are messed up. and this small number of people has probably been the same since forever.
  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    u know wat sux shows men live shorter than women theses days.. i mean a significant amount of years
  9. bwhaaha when i was 8 every male in my class was talking about clits n stuff, we all know what sex n such were even my cousin whos 8 seems pretty mature and he talks like an adult, i think we forget kids or think kids are innocent at that age but once they enter school probably grade 3 onwards they know alot more then u think they don't. Before there was telephone gossip was more of a local thing and took months to travel then came radio/tv but now we got the internet, it makes it seem like the world is alot more messed up then it was but in reality it was already this messed and probably more so except we are just more informed about it now.

    I also remember in grade 1 there were rumours of these 2 in our class havin sexy time behind the couch and we were like ewwwww but we knew we all knew!

    and kdotc thats cuz the men are out stressin puttin money on the table with crappy jobs while the wifes stay at home =P not all just sayin
  10. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    And that raises issue number 2. Women

    When men are being gentlemen to a women, eg. opening a door for a women, why do women call you sexist and when we decide to treat you equally as men and not open the door for you, why do you then complain about how men aren't been gentlemen no more?!?!

    This talk has been in the MX newspaper's Column (some free aussie newspaper section that shows reader's messages that they sent to the company) all the time LOL
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Well .. it's no surprise. Women demand equal treatment but they still think men should make the first move, pay for date, etc.. It's more equality upon their terms... lol

    Back to the OP - I think kids are learning more "bad" stuffs primarily from the media. Sex appeal ads, sex education, homosexual education, etc.. all these exposure at such a young age which I believe it's wrong. Of course, public health and non-profit group beg to differ .. prevention of STI, pregnancy; acceptance and respect of other sexuality, etc.

    @Haduken .. even though kids talk or act like they're mature; they're still have a child mentality.
  12. just sayin kids know alot more then you think they should like say if some girl were to bend over and her panties showed, that 8 year old kid is gonna be lookin alright.
  13. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    join the army and do something about it, otherwise live in the world that is surrounded by entertainment/shopping/first class food and totally forget about it so that you don't complain bout it
  14. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    wow...i think its the adults fault in the end...and whats wrong with a woman turning into a man?
  15. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I thought this was known for a long long time
  16. whoaitselaine

    whoaitselaine Well-Known Member

    wow, that's just sick. :x

    i think i remember seeing a thread on PA about a toddler who knew how to smoke a cigarette. = =
  17. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    more women raping men :biggthumpup:
  18. iiimj4everiii

    iiimj4everiii Well-Known Member

    too much freedom.
  19. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Blame the Liberal Party =(
  20. Vend

    Vend Well-Known Member

    "Welcome to the real world!"... You are slowly coming out from the cocoon.