WWII Japan Invades China

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by dim8sum, May 31, 2006.

  1. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    Do you guys know the history of when Japan invaded China?
    Well the way I believe it is that when they invaded they considered Chinese people to be sub-human and so they did as they please to the Chinese people. They committed a lot of war crimes like rape, mass murder, etc, etc. A good book to read is "The Rape of Nanking" which I found quite chilling, especially some of the pictures.
    Now this is why a lot of Chinese people feel resentment towards Japan but thats in the past. Problem is that Japan has always tried to deny the war crimes but the story wasnt just accounts by Chinese witnesses, many westerners in China at the time have documented what happened. A few months back, I think, Japan started writing some history books which tried to cover up Japans atrocities in China and glorify Japans war "heros". This is what led to those riots in China against Japan and Japenese businesses.
    So what do you think as a Chinese person?
  2. KK-chan

    KK-chan Active Member

    yeah...i've kinda always known little bits about this....just because my mom had mentioned something when we were learning about world wars and talking about the holocaust...

    so I was aware of the Rape of Nanking, as well as the apparent attempt to cover up a nasty side of Japanese history....

    at first I didn't believe that they would try to do something like that when it was such a massive global fact....it's documented, recorded, there's proof of the atrocities..and yet they try to deny it....in a more western analogy..it's like saying the Holocaust never happened...which would outrage many people as well...

    I just think it's sad that they are trying to deny their shameful acts. It's in the past, and as long as we learn from our mistakes..then it's still a lesson learned. but I kinda feel that just by denying and covering it up, they are still disrespecting Chinese culture and history, as well as the people. Because it also means that they are trying to discredit any claims by victims and people that were affected by this event.
  3. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    Yeh I agree personally its all in the past for me, but thats only if they own up to it and apologise, but they refuse to which is what takes the piss
  4. Luuman

    Luuman Well-Known Member

    History is written by the victors, so for a long time we only get to her Jappanese side of the story since they play a bigger role in the world Economy, and it didn't help that China isolated themselves for about 20 years after the war, so it's hard to get a true picture of what happend, but a strong China will encourage Japan to own up to history.
  5. Sexygundam

    Sexygundam Well-Known Member


    Yeah I know atleast they did apologies <_< ... I really hated the things the japanese did to china it was just beyond evil!>.< can't believe they deneyed everything!
  6. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    didnt japan invade manchuria? we just studied this.
  7. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    I think Manchuria was the name given to China under Japanese rule. It was like a false chinese government to front for the Japenese. Japan invaded many asian countries, like Korea where they committed quite a lot of war crimes too.
  8. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    so japan renamed china? bast@rds
  9. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

  10. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

  11. Panda

    Panda Well-Known Member

    Manchuria is a western-term that refers to the provinces of Jilin, Heilongjiang, and Liaoning. In China, it has always been refered to as Northeast China (Dongbei). Manchuria the term itself, has never been a term used in Chinese history itself.

    The name the Japanese aggressors used was Manchukuo - or ManZhouGuo.
  12. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    Manchuria doesnt sound chinese to me. At first, I thought it was just some middle east country.
  13. goeatc

    goeatc Well-Known Member

    30 million people were slaughtered i beleive?

    they threw grenades at mobs
    killed and raped pregnat women
    they even cut open their stomach to play around with the fetus... sick people
  14. shadow Thi3f

    shadow Thi3f Well-Known Member

    I think a member of PA asked a question regarding the Holocaust and the Massacre at Nanking. I have seen footage and photo's of what the Japanese did to my people during the second world war. Its an uncalled for act of violence. I swear the human race is the only specie on earth that is capable of committing so much damage to its own. Animals kill for food and survival, but humans kill for power, greed, which is a sorry excuse for the need to survive. Almost every country picked on China because at that time China was in fact very weak. It is good to see that China is strong again and at the same time tries its best to keep the peace and not to interfere in world matters. Japan should own up to its mistakes because Germany has already acknowledge its wrong doings during WW2. What gets me rattled is how certain people in this forum actually want to be Japanese, when their ancestry is Chinese. I know that its all in the past but I cannot ignore what the Japanese did to the Chinese and to make it worse they refuse to apologize. China can crush Japan right now but they are better than that. The Chinese knows that there is no need to repeat the bloody history.
  15. ShiShi

    ShiShi Active Member

    Dont know much about this myself. Do you know if they posted that book online ? I can get some reading then and see how much of it they are trying to covered up.
  16. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    I really hate the fact they dont own up to what they did.. Most japanese people that i know are alrite aye, just a few of the upper crust who run everything are snobasses. My parents told me that Japs who experimented on humans in WW2 werent tried for war crimes because they gave their results of their experiments to the U.S, Honestly I dont know how people can do that without guilt or remorse
  17. ShiShi

    ShiShi Active Member

    Yeah I agree with you moor 100%. But I never knew about them never tried for War Crimes because of the result they give to US is that rumour or true ?
  18. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    I think only a handful were actually arrested and put to court
  19. Panda

    Panda Well-Known Member

    Some of the most notorious warcriminals such as the Dr. Ishii who was the head of the Unit 731 performed the "experiments" on humans. I read somewhere that this fucking bastard raped girls no more than 16 years old. As well...Prince Asaka (the person in charge during the Nanjing Massacre) was not tried and even one war criminal (Prince Higashikuni) became a Prime Minister after the war...

    Very sad... =.=;;;

    China should make japan pay for what they did... =.=;;;
  20. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    Some serious pressure should be put on Japan to apologise and compensate China, but I think they are too afriad that it would cause more strain on the already fragile relationship between the 2 countries.