
Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by evil_mui, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. Have U got the X-Factor? ;)

    Since no one wanted to start this thread I will :p

    Mann that black guy was hillarious who sung Michael Jackson song!! -lol
    He was like I'm as good as George Michael, Michael Jackson!! Blah blah blah -noclue

    Oooooooo oooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo
    -lol Wukakakaka!!!

    And that dude that was 'dancing' more than singing, and said his partner is very strict with her opinions and stuff who has said he was good...shes stooooooooooopid -noclue

    That group of people were so good!! When they walked in I was like yeh...ur crap!
    But OmgZ! -shock They were like the best!
    (If u kno who I'm talkin bout:p)
  2. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Didn't even know it started... lol. Is it good?
  3. It started last sat ;)

    YepZ its pretty funny! Some old granny almost made whats his face (cant remember his name -lol, the mean one :p) pee his pants!! -lol

    I think someone this week gets a glass of water of them!! -lol
  4. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    im confused. xD
  5. dylon83

    dylon83 Member

    bet it is good...
  6. Haha! That girl sung some opera song....which was pretty good and they all said yes...and shes was like actually I'm 14! >.<"
  7. hidden dragon

    hidden dragon Well-Known Member

    X factor is awryt i still think the orginal "Pop Idol" is much better u canni beat it :D!
  8. hidden dragon

    hidden dragon Well-Known Member

    X factor is awryt i still think the orginal "Pop Idol" is much better u canni beat it :D!
  9. hidden dragon

    hidden dragon Well-Known Member

    sorry i didn't mean 2 post 2 times, while i was postin my computer frozze -unsure !
  10. ^ Nvm -lol
    But dun do it again ;)

    Yeh I only like watchin the auditions coz theres something to laugh about :p
  11. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ i watched bits of last saturday and thought it was quite funny especially when that black guy came in singing wearing sunglasses...i think he was called 'champagne' or something like that he was funny. plus the 2 twins who came in and just carried on singning even though simon cowell kept saying 'no no no no' all the way through it :D
  12. OmgZ!! The ones who sung the song from Lion King!! -lol Omg!! I wanted to slap them!! I loved that movie and they totally runied it!! -cry2

    ~Yeh that guy champagne!! What a name!! LoL! He was funny! I thought he wasnt as bad as Simon Cowell was makin out altho...he looked kinda funny tho >.<"

    Did u see the couple? Where her b/f auditioned aswel when orginally went for support! He wasnt great but but he was okies...but she proper thinks shes really good tho! She was over singing so muchie!! -lol
  13. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ yep i so agree i thought the GF wasnt all that good either

    did you see the 2 twins who were singning in the end sung 2 songs even though simon cowell kept saying 'no no no no' through the 2nd song it was soo funny but they managed to get in none the less