had my xbox since xmas 07, had no problem what so ever and enjoy playing on it. but just now all of a sudden when i turned my xbox on there was a red light lit up, but only the top right one not. i ve done some research and apparently this is a common problem my m8 had it before and he had to send it back to Microsoft :( i was wondering have anyone had this problem?
a lot of the old xboxs get the red ring of death, its very common, something to do with overheating and solder melting or something just ring up MS and get it replaced, all old xboxs should have extended warranties provided you havent messed about with it inside
i had the same problem..i got a hammer nad smashed my 360 then it worked fine lol just call xbox and they'll send u a nwe one in like 1 week
u could try super overheating it... if ur too lazy to send it i... wrap the xbox in a blanket and run it... it should re solder the loose part with the heat ... else... just send it in =/
welll u're in uk so i dont know lol their service is GOOD...the give u a box and shipping sticker and tell u to put only hardware in then the shipping company comes and picks it up....then 1 week after i think 2 since u're in uk u'll either have another xbox or the same one
it amazing how microsoft implemented the red light to tell you that their system hardware has failed.... =\
i know lol makes u think whether they already knew that their first few batches weren't top quality. but ye this is quite a common problem, its known as the rings of death and u should be able to get it replaced by microsoft by ringing them up. the only problem that is annoying is that i've heard they give u a refurbished system rather than a new one but it should still work fine.
o... M$ really did know that their 360's had a 1/3 chance of rrod... they had the reports... and they gambled on it
I would rather get a PS3 lol. Anyways, like everyone said just send it in, however be aware that your warranty is voided if you've had it modded.
thanks for the comment lads. just to let you all know, rang them up today, some very annoying ah cha on the phone was hard to understand but got their in the end. my console werent registered at all but didnt really matter he sorted out for me. what i had to do is wait for a xbox repair system email which that ah cha did took fucking 2 hours to come. the email contain what i needed to do: first i had to print this bar code thing out with the address where is gonna be sent which says "germany" LOL WTF then pack my xbox up ring up UPS to pick it up which went very smoothly all done. just waiting for UPS to pick it up 2moz the ah cha sed it be around 3 to 4 weeks to be fixed and sent back, soo bored now , looks like i have to jump back on css tf2 and football manager lol check this video out lads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOtpbXFQlg8
Lol, one of my friends put a towel over the XBox to get it to overheat and a hour later, ~~~~ the XBox worked.
ye but thats not a long term solution just a short temperary solution and also it could damage other parts in ur system cos of it overheating.
lmao at the fanboy video, cause it's so easy to counter....xbox is gonna have to make a new console soon because of the old disc format, it goes RROD, and using the wii as an attack lmao...Wii also kicked xbox's ass and it came out wayy later haha and feature that ps3 has built in, xbox makes you buy with $$$, fanboys talk about how xbox gonna get a blue ray player, that might happen but it'll be external, therefore they'll not be able to implement that for their games unless they do a whole system update, which would be bad for the previous system owners. and the ps3 grill lmao, xbox gets way hotter and noisy (therefore causing the rrod). but one major factor that gives xbox the advantage is definitely the gaming i must admit. wayy more exclusives (even took some that were ps2 exclusives) and way better online. so i guess it would balance out. anyways lol if you wanted to play more you coulda done the towel trick but yea good luck.