Many people don't really know about the world of slalom skating. It's a sport that requires a lot of skills and practice. This girl is amazing, she's from China and already winning a lot of competitions.
i know, its far from easy, takes a couple of years of practicing tricks to get to that level, not including the years spent just learning how to skate.
Only kids can do those kind of stuffs, the music played a huge role. I was almost ready to get up my chair and put on my blades.
Gosh damn outstanding, she's a joy to watch. I certainly hope she goes and gets some recognition along with some big sponsor bucks. -worship On the other hand, I cringe and I'm afraid to even show my kids, who are inevitably going to ask, "...but Dad, how come she doesn't need to wear a helmet...?" <sigh, parents can never win> :laugh: As for skating myself, HA... The only skates I remember were the ones you tied to your sneakers with a leather strap. Nothing but painful kneecaps and busted teeth.
i was fully expecting a regular slalom walkthrough, no fancy shit, just go go through as fast as possible. and as soon as the world 'freestyle' kicked into my brain, she starts... and i stfu-ed. ho, ly, fu,cking, shit. my jaw dropped. moar:
wtf, she's like 8 or something? i think i'd make it to modeling calvin klein underwear before i could do what she did
actually, most of the worlds best aren't kids, they're in their 20s, she's just an exception. but u see a lot of adults do it as well. shes actually done a commercial for some company in china advertising some nutritious drink for kids. i think she was 12 wen she did that competition.
I was in awe at her performance. It did want me to put on my blades too, lol. She got so much talent.