Yamashita Tomohisa, also known as Yamapi from NEWS appears in the February issue of female fashion magazine, “Ray.” He was paired together in the photo spread with the popular model/actress Karina. The photo spread of Yamapi and Karina were taken as if they were on a date at home and having an outdoor picnic. There is also a short interview page titled “Yamapi & Karina’s Real Talk 10 Questions” where they both had 10 personal questions that they asked each other. One of Karina’s question to Yamapi was “What type of girl’s behavior do you like?” Yamapi answered, “Smile. I like it when a girl listens to my stories and just smiles.” Then Yamapi’s question to Karina was “Are you interested in getting married?” Karina answered “Yes, but not anytime soon. I will start to think about it when I’m 30.” Magazine: Ray [Feb Issue 2011] Release Date: 12/21/2010