can anybody explain what 'yeet hay' and 'leung' is exactly? i get that fried foods are 'yeet hay' but is there an explanation as to what it is? thx!!
lol my parents always say it too. its like supposedly some foods are very hot, so it gives you those white blisters in your mouth, eating a 'lerng' food, like cucumber, is good to counter it.
my mom says yeet hay is basically fast food and food that is fried or full of may jing. I interpret it as unhealthy food. and leung is like green tea and fruit and vegetables
Heres something I found about the so called "Yeet Hay" Sourced from [Here] But we will need a good translator to do the job
cool my other 2 cents is in chinese medicine it talks about the body being in balance yeet hey is when its out of balance and need leung stuff to put it right
from what i understand yeet hay is pretty much you eat too much junk food, intoxicating your body which can make you feel sluggish and fat haha..but you know been too "leung" is also bad because you will have less blood flow and feel dizzy also and can result in yep gotta balance it just right and drink more water especially! also does anyone know the term to explain this condition in english? its been bugging me for a long time!
Food that will cause yeet hay are grilled and fried food that is still hot when eaten. A pizza for example will is more unhealthy when its freshly out of the oven steaming hot, the heat of the food and the combination of burned ingredients will cause your body to absorb fat and unhealthy toxic. Our bodies are not made for eating hot food after all. We learn to eat it but it wasn't design to eat stuff that is cooked and hot. It increases blood flow and pressure when we do and causes damage. Warm food on the other hand is more healthy, so always let your food cool down just a bit before eating. At least thats what I can remember from a chinese herbalist from HK.
Only asians believe that eating all that friend stuff makes you yeet hay (hot temper according to some). But there is no such thing for english people.
Yeet Hay to my knowledge is when your body is heating up due to the amount of junk food you consume. your face gets oily and you start to get spots more often. and to cool down, you need to drink Chrysantheum tea which helps.
Chrysanthemum tea does help,but if you're too heaty it won't even those medicine tea for cooling,for my experience ,coconut drink is the best though and very fast effect
"Yeet Hay" is when you have stressed you liver from eating too much certain types of foods. You can get "Yeet hay" not just from eating junk food like pizza or burgers as mentioned in this thread. You can get it from eating too much meat, eggs, Durian, it not just junk food. "Leung Cha" is actually a liver tonic to cleanse your liver of this excess. People might think if I have a "leung cha" everyday, that will help me because I eat a lot of "yeet hay" food, then you're wrong in that assumption. too much "leung Cha" is bad for you. Chinese medicine is always about bringing balance not evening things out.
WTHELL ? LOL My interpretation is that, the Chinese believe in balance. Therefore, too much consumption of 'yeet hay' food means, you are intoxicating your body with rich, oily food that's basically bad for your health. I guess you could say, the 'ph' of those food as well as the nature of it will cause your body I am glad only Chinese know this. LOL LOL @ balance and evening out. basically same thing. leung cha is said to release the body, and cleanse the body.