If your girlfriend flirting with others guys infront of you, or behind your back, how would you react? I know some people will actually consider it cheating. What about you? Would you "cheat" on her in revenge? Assuming you don't disrespect her in such a way. Personally, I literally went mad and screwed the one time my girlfriend did this to her friends. I'm probably being insecure, but it probably still happens. I just dont know about it. <_< ..and now, Every time I think about it I get furious. She apologised, but it means F***-all to me. :mad: This was 3-4 months ago but I still can't get it out of my head.. Edit: ..and by flirting, it's the touchy kind. . .
Oh wow master_g is actually right. Most of her friends are dudes. So errm mr_evolution's plan fails. XD
i would feel the same way too. but im more careful now choosing a girl. if i no shes the type that flirts with other ppl and i no i cant stand that, i will not go out with her.
Not only girl does these but guy too. If gf or bf is like this, they won't be good partner. So who to trust?
NO ... flirting is quite normal in conversation between gal and guy .. life is fucking bored if you can't do that .. as long as it's within boundary of course .. no touchy or whatever .. if you get upset over such trivial matter, then you have a serious problem. relationship is based on trust .. you can't get jealous over every single little thing. if you feel it's out of line, then you should talk to your partner about it. communicate is the key here. tell him/her if you're uncomfortable or whatever .. someone already mention, the level of flirting really differ from one to another .. what deems as flirting to you may just be nothing to me or others ..
my girlfriend is always on my case about talking to other girls..... i do admit i may sometime step out of line when i'm not with her though....