Wednesday January 24, 2007 Hong Kong The new Zhang Ziyi boyfriend is called Aviv "Vivi" Nevo, he 41, and he dated Kate Moss before. He's one of the tichest guys in NY, he's a major shareholder of Time warner. In this forum it has been said he's an actor called Tcheky Karyo, and he's not. Tchecky is 51 and just looks similar to the guy, but the guy in the pic is Vivi Nevo, the rick playboy.. credits: dimsumcinema, asianfanatics.
errr. no need to talk when u r having sex. she can scream in chinese when they r having sex...heehee. That's what the white folks like about asian chicks I heard.
omg shez too pretty to be dating an old guy like him >_< ewwie lets not go there wif the whole sex issue lols soo disturbing he looks lyke her grandfather instead or her dad something other den bf! yuckie!
Hey chinese is pretty sucky, she needed a translator at a 2046 movie convention, I think she is pretty well off herself to be doing it for the money. so who knows