I'm a guy but I would pick the poor pretty girl and I would make enough money for both of us. She won't have to work if she doesn't want to.
This is soo common in today's world. Look at the richest men in the world (I'm talking about the billionaires, like Bill Gates), they're all ugly, yet they still manage to get model-type wives. What's your meaning of poor? You mean a 'hobo on the street' type poor? I think the guy has to have at least some orientation in life, like even if he didn't have a 6-figure income, I think I'd still be okay with that... This is tricky...
definately go for poor + handsome because it is possible to make your own wealth ... as opposed to sticking with a rich + ugly one , =))
I pick the poor but handsome guy. I want beautiful babies! I'm sorry but I just can't like a guy that way if he is fugly. As long as the handsome guy is a good person.... I am willing to go bring in the money!! Or I will knock some sense into the handsome guy and tell him to get his act together and go earn some money.
i don't know, maybe a rich ugly guy. lol cuz then u could get all their money and then after that, dump them. but actually, poor handsome guy would be good too. but who knows, they might be pretty and all that, n if their poor they'll just love u for ur money.. i don't know, but i think i might go for poor handsome guy then. cuz if he loves u n u love him, then we could love a lifetime with each other.
i think ill choose poor+handsome .. BUT thats only if he is not some junki that is poor because he went gamble and stuff . If it is just he is poor cos he was born in a poor family, but is hard working, I'll accept that ! ^^ I don't care if they have heaps of money. i just cant go out with a person that i just want to punch him across the face when i see him. wait, can i choose middle class , not handsome and not ugly! >_>
its not all about the money!!! where's the love...... marry rich guy ttreat u like shit marry poor guy u can make it in life togetherr
for those people who say greed for picking rich person or not all money, i don't know about you but i try to think realistic. And I know its not all money and greed but i'd sure like to wake up each day knowing my family will have food on the table. And a side note. These questions are terrible. There's never a compromise answer, always two extremes. but thats the fun of it suppose. haha.
rich a guy cant be handsome after 50, so why sacrafice a whole lifetime of luxury over something you can get used to and eventually doesnt matter?
OK... my analysis is that in most series the poor pretty girls always end up pretty well in the end! So yea... being poor isnt a problem =)! But realistically... putting "love" aside... your looks will only last you about half a lifetime... not to mention you'll prolly not be as attracted to the same woman if you see her everyday! Money on the other hand is much more practical... if you're rich enough it will last you a lifetime... and you can never be sick of having money!!!
i'd rather have an ugly girl with great personality then have a great looking girl who is a gold digger
I used to be poor but described as "not baaad". But all the girls don't want me. Now, I have alot of money all the gold diggers come, all girls want $$ or security. Big problem.
haha. lol gold diggers. now you have no choice but to pick an ugly one that will love you for you and not your money, cuz all the hawt ones want your money.
haha. I''m good looking and meet all the gold diggers :< Hope the next ones are good; maybe I 'll pretend to be poor. Tell the girls I'm on social welfare or somthin haha Oh yea. BTW, I was just making things up to make a point. haha
depends... which one am i in love with? i really do believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. because the guy i really liked wasn't great looking at all, but he grew on me and i started thinking he was so cute because he was so nice to me. if the guy loved was ugly and just happened to be rich, then that's great, we wouldn't have any monetary problems. but if the guy i fell in love with was poor but handsome, then we would figure out everything together. go to places where you can get in for free. you don't need money to be together or to have fun, you just need each other. and if it's marriage we're talking about, then of course the poor guy and girl would have some problems, but as long as there's a roof over your head, food in your tummy, and an amazing face to look at.. that's the best thing anyone could ever ask for. =D
Neither.. being rich/poor does not seem to have any correlation with looks to me, so I dun reli see the point in comparing the 2 combinations that were given. lol.. you sure you have any idea what plastic surgery is about? Wait till you get a gf who did it.. then tell us if you still like her.