Wow, am I seeing double or is something going on with the "copy-someone-else's-reply-and-take-as-own" phenomenon?
i totally get what you mean! yeah i speak cantonese fluently but when i listen to cantonese songs the lyrics dont ring a bell in my head. i guess in a way it has to do with how the singers deliever the lyrics, sometimes they can break a meaningful sentence into a few parts and as a result it doesnt make sense.
Formal Cantonese and Colloquial Cantonese are different though.., unless you study formal Cantonese, completely understanding Canto-music will be a bit difficult
I dont have much of a problem with songs, just sometimes dont understand what they're singing about but chinese songs are mostly about love
songs sung in canto may not always sound like the spoken word. Thus there is often a confusion of sorts. However, the song writer really cant write the song as if it was to be spoken....that would make it less of a song and more like a monologue.
I dunno, maybe it's the music i listen to, but sometimes it sounds slurred to me, but to my friends they somewhat understand the music.
I have always wondered about this... I know i can carry out a normal conversation in cantonese pretty well (at least that's what i think) When it comes to song lyrics... it's a whole different story. Some songs I can get a pretty good grasp on what they are saying but in some songs I am just absolutely clueless. I guess the main reasons is because the songs are too fast and I am english educated. It is sometimes frustrating and depressing not knowing what they are singing... *sigh*
yea if i have conversation with cantonese normally i dun have a problem. If let say when i hear those cantonese songs, i will get blur blur already....
The words when compared to singing it and when to speaking it is different. So gotta have a huge canto vocab library in your brain
Yeah! you are right for some points nevertheless sometimes I want to know what there are singing. And when I heard contonese song most of the time I can't understand what they are singing even if I'm speaking contonese. Maybe i'm not so good in contonese that I believe, don't know.
there will be such problem sometimes.. cause canto lyrics r ind of diff from speaking in daily life..
In fact I don't have a clue what they are always singing about -huh Too much unknown vocabulary, I would say
well i don't rele have much trouble listening to canto songs i don't think but i guess i don't rele pay attention to the lyrics that closely unless it is a song that i like a lot which i don't rele have a problem in distinguishing in what they are singing about.