hehehe, you might be wrong on that. im nice on the net, but i might be the devil in real life. speaking of which, not this time, maybe next time i go to HK, ill swing by to MA and visit you. good?
wow just finished and gotta say pretty good -worship was a little lost in places so had to re-read some of it but that could be becuase my eyes are little @@ at the moment too much reading lately >.< cant wait for next part
hhmm ... is chp 2 a rushed job? i like chp 1 better. to me, it's better written. and it ended with a ... urge that u can't wait for chp 2. But chp 2 ... not really ... or maybe it's becoz i'm sleepy today?
Chapter 2 could have been a bit more elaborated? And if you take it out of context it reads like a girly roman? *hides away*
It's already written... Lol, these are written ages ago. Just that up to a certain part; then I'd have to continue it. >.< Btw, i posted de recipes u asked for
Aww, why? Is it because it really sucked or because it did not have a suspenseful/gory/horror feel to it? Sorry, no spoilers..