Meh, come on be a sport... You know I have taken pains in writing.. It's time for me to sit back and enjoy reading some of your stuff.. you guys -devil
Yeah, I second that.. mgfcortez... After all, he's pretty good in predicting my story. I am sure he has enough imagination to write one awesome horror story -devil
ok i guess i'll but don't make fun of me when i do and it'll be at least after babys i'm not going to do it in the next few be cool
OMG... what will K see when she get back home??? And Mr. Creed? Did he go to K's house before Sam did and suffered some horrible death as well?!?! Can't wait >.<
man i like the new part eating someones insides,you talking bad now. am i the only one geting turned on? such a sexy story it just turn out to J/K but the story is great i like it when stuff like this comes into play can't wait to see what Janie does next!! poor Samantha tho i guess she realy is going to what will Kaelyn do when she get's home to poor girl her mom is dead:( oh well can't wait to see more keep up the great work baby!!!!
Oh hahahahahaha, a deliciously sick part that chapter 15! Can you be considered as a cannibal if you eat your own flesh?
^Well, I hope you liked it Tax, since that chapter was written with you in mind... You asked for gore..! Hope that's enough for you...
It might be the goriest... I dunno, u decide later-devil I'll update my story soon, are u going to bed yet? I don't see you on MSN
That's more like it! Although I thought it would be easier to spoon the eyes out of the sockets as fingers/claws can penetrate the eyeballs, pop them like a bubble leaving a lot of mess. -evil
Well whatever Janie is, I am sure she has the skills to preserve the eyeballs nicely before she pops them into her mouth -devil