theyre both different countries, but for a time, vietnam kept defending themselves from chinese invasion. the same happened with the french and portugese rule..
mmhmm. and i shall revolt, and then vietnam shall be saved from all rule, and i shall convert vietnam away from communism, and make it the richest country in the world.
Vietnam was part of china from the han dynasty till the end of tang dynasty. It was also part of the ming dynasty for 20 years. Furthermore, trieu da was Qin shi huang general who formed a chinese dynasty.
China and Vietnam are similar in culture etc, but they was never one country kinda thing.. im half of each lol so yh .. th culture thing in my house is pretty easy to deal with haha
Wow thank you very much for this information. I guess all the talk about the Chinese triads are propaganda are wrong and they are actually Vietnamese right? Oh man, now I know the truth.
yup, same here i usually mix vietnamese with chinese culture sometimes cause i'm half and half too, i usually call some foods in vietnamese and some and chinese lol, sometimes i don't know one thing in chinese and i call it by using vietnamese and vice versa. To the OP, i kinda interpret that viet is like a subculture of chinese though cause they believe in a variation of the the things chinese believe in.
i don't think it matters too much if viets and chinese were once united, different people, or just matters that we don't dwell on the past and live for the future...there's a reason why it's called the past and why it didn't make it to the future...
the vietnamese were once in possession of china, well, the northern part. the south has never been conquered by china. many chinese from canton did migrate to vietnam ages ago. and a lot of the vietnamese culture has been based from china, as did japanese, korean and other countries around and conquered by the ancient chinese empires. i think a ton of southern chinese have emigrated to south vietnam after the first Sino-japanese War to escape the imperial army.
My parents are from China but they moved to Vietnam for business and we lived there for over 10 years and we do speak the Vietnamese language so a lots of people think we are Vietnamese not Chinese. And lots of people think Vietnamese are BAD. What I know from my experience is that every ethnic groups have a bad apple therefore I can't finger point to any particular group of ethnic which is unfair. What do you guy think?
In every race, there are bad and good people. Chinese used to be associated with gangsterism in the past too. But when they get richer, the bad image is gone.
I have to agree with you. My grandparent also moved to Vietnam from China for a long time ago. My parent and I now have seen ourselves as Vietnamese as we cant understand or speak any Mandarin or Cantonese at all. Being an Vietnamese or Chinese is ok with me, i dont care much about that case. I'm just a bit regret that I cant understand and speak mandarin. how sad! >.<
I suggest you go read up on the history of china from the Han to the Tang dynasty and see whether vietnam was part of china.