NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Lets just put it this way, CHINESE people are not good at maths, People who came from local chinese school are good at maths because their syllabus are tough in high school stage... thats why when they go to international school or another system, they seem to know everything becus they learnt it already in their school... its as simple as that....
this is just a steretype assumption and besides anybody can be good at maths if they just apply themselves. i believe the only reason why chinese people tend to be good at not just maths but in all subjects in general is because they apply themselves more than others.
i think its an asian thing....and most chinese ppl get tutors and stuff and get forced to do 10x the questions other races do.. in a way it makes us seem sad:(
Math is a universal language and anyone can understand it. Any other subjects, such as English for example, are just based on the teacher IMO.
Not all Chinese are good at math/science. For example, I suck at science, and I'm only so-so in math.
I am bad at math, i dont really like it. Do you means chinese people that come from mainland china are good with math, or overall. I know alot of chinese people that are bad with math.
^ maybe your right, i was born in the UK, i think thats the reason i'm good at maths , but my english and science just so.....only got a C in GCSE for science and english
I think it's because of what they're taught to like. Or maybe it's just a coincidence? A lot of my chinese friends aren't really great mathematicians. haha.
i think we are better. I think it's cuz it was ingrained into our culture earlier on. We grow up with the resources to be good and our parents force us. But english is not our native language. it doesn't have the same sentence structure as chinese.
because chinese ppo alwais try to bargain with ppo so they constantly do math in their head n itz gud practice which made them become very excel in it
I'm Chinese but I live in France. I'm good at all subjects and my friends (French) are too good at all subjects even math, biologie, sciences... >> So it depends ! =)