Street Fighter 4 or Resident Evil 5

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by kdotc, Feb 5, 2009.


which game are/would you get

  1. street fighter IV

  2. resident evil 5

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. lol yea.. dude with the chainsaw... I kepted getting hacked up..

    and your point being?
  2. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    point being, it should be a deciding factor to which version of the game u get if u plan for online play... most people i'm sure will get RE5 for PS3 as they will be getting more content apparently... I'm not sure bout SF4, most local players i know will get it for the PS3 as they have sticks for PS3 from Tekken5 and a community of players of fighters... but who knows if the actual majority might switch over to the more stable Live...
  3. yea.. live does have a lot of subscribers.. but lotta pple play on psn aswell.. but the most amount of players you'll see would probably be for pc.. plus pc you can do mods..

    I don't see online fighters as having lasting appeal than games like online fpshooters..
  4. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    Tekken5 DR did relatively well for PS3... lag wasn't horrible... and i've never really looked at fighters on PC lol :p
  5. well you can plug any controller to it..
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol i don't think alot of people would play a fighting game on PC.
  7. probably cause they're using the pc to look up pics of girls with the largest breasts in the world..
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    haha yo man at least i don't type guys with the largest boobs in the world...but seriously though has there ever been a fanbase for popular fighting games on PC. nobody even talks about that shit.
  9. lol i'm just say.. ya either gaming on the pc or lookin' up pron..

    but I mean this is first time SF is gonna be out on PC aswell.. so ya never kno..
  10. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    Street fighter iv!
  11. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    traded 3 games for resident evil for 360 at eb...if any1 is interested thers a trade 3 for 1 but trade in value games gota b 8+... i traded kane lynch, forza 2, and spiderwick wii
  12. metalzoa

    metalzoa Active Member

    Most definitely I would get Street Fighter 4 plainly because I'm a huge fan of it back in the good old SNES days....
  13. eb rip u off so bad... hate supporting them
  14. twin123

    twin123 Member

    Street Fighter IV!
  15. alexno1

    alexno1 New Member

    street fighter 4 for the win!@!@!@!
  16. SolidSubstance

    SolidSubstance Active Member

    I think those are two very different games. If you don't really play games a lot, or spend too much time on it, I think RE5 would be the choice. But if you have a lot of friends that play online and you spend a lot of time on it, then you'll get more mileage out of SF4.
  17. drunkmiroku

    drunkmiroku Member

    Just tried the Demo for RE5
    The co-op play makes the game really fun!

    On the other hand... the computer AI is not very bright.
  18. fuhua054

    fuhua054 Member

    SF4 rocks!!
  19. shadowsoul

    shadowsoul Well-Known Member

    damn where is the option for both
    i picked sf4
    i was too late on pre-ordering the fight stick =\ but able to get collector edition sf4
  20. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    ^ Nothing special with collectors edition, you just get the brawler costume pack LOL