she looks like da boy's mother in that pic. i dont see a 20+ years old girl but a 30-40 years old woman. whats more pathetic is that the boy doesnt even know what 'financially' means. thats what you get, u have stupid parents and your kids are 100% ignorant. the western culture is appaling and i bet when the baby grows up, s/he is gonna have kids at a teenage age and the cycle repeats. i so hate it when we tax payers have to pay a huge a amount to feed these 'perfectly normal useless' people - and a majority of these parasites don't work because its more easy to sit in da house and wait for the government to give you money. you see a lot of these cases in my area where teenage mothers and fathers shout at their kids then go into divorce because the father finds another girl. y have kids when u cant even look after yourself - just making the baby suffer and making yourself more miserable.
Alright...maybe it was a bad idea to get on PA this is so wrong...oh well doesn't surprise me at all nowadays with everything going on in this world...
the thing is she just gave birth so no doubt she gonna grow fatter and larger, but dunno how it was back then. probably not that much different? dumbass kids though, no way they can raise the baby. he probably just had sex ed recently.
These two teens are so young. They still have a whole life ahead of them; however, they've made a bad decision and now they face a long range of consequences from one single act of carelessness.
Omg they are so young to have children and i don't know if they can take care of themselves. I can't believe 13 year old become dad
IMHO, my suspicion is that this whole charade is an elaborate scam to cover up that some adult man has been raping the young girl all this time. If I were the judge involved in this (and for a case this sensitive, there should be), I would order a paternity test immediately, with DNA sampling of all the men with access to those children. -rolleyes The girl and her abuser probably found out that she was pregnant; as an afterthought to prevent the discovery of the real father, they concocted a plan to have her have sex with the young lad once, and thereafter claiming her pregnancy based upon this event. The boy in this picture doesn't even look like he's reached puberty yet, and as such, would most likely have sperm that is too immature to be able to fertilize an ovum. He's the unwitting patsy that's been made to think that it was all his fault. With the unemployed father, five brothers hanging around, and one young teen girl...? This is beginning to sound a lot like the sad jokes we used to tell in the south. Good story though, thanks for posting. -detect
The first thing they teach in sex ed is safe sex... obviously Britain's education system isn't starting sex ed early enough. If u read the end of that article, he isn't the youngest father in Britain... there was a 12 y/o dad in 1998.
"I just thought how worrying that in Britain today children are having children" hmm Britain need Peter Pan....
i wonder what will happen to this couple in the future? they are still so young! >< seriously i pity the baby =S