thanks for sharing ya'll. i couldn't stop laughing whilst reading this thread. ya'll were so funny with back and forth conversation ... seem like kdotc and person really hit it off well if i didn't know better, it's like a match made in heaven. lol
Angie babe, dont be a hater Me and evo knew the girls were starting to get a bit cocky so we started busting out the real shizz
^ dun think guys can get outta it so easily...!!! if i ever get knocked up accidentally i will make sure ima drag tha babyfatha down with me toooo
^ then you guys gonna appear on the maury povich show, with angie crying her eyes out trying to convince that some random dude that he's the father... and the dude says 'fuck you bitch the baby ain't mine!' and then maury reads out the results 'dude, you are NOT the father', and then angie will cry some more, and he says 'fuck yea! fuck yea bitch!' and then all is well that ends well.
^ wtf is wrong with u dann...? too much imagination perhaps? fuck go wank already insteada making this kinda weird shit up
lol no, it's so boring at work, so we watch tv, and since it's in the middle of the day, the only good shit that was on tv was maury povich, so we watch that all the time... guess i watched a little too much lol and what's up about you wanting me to wank? that's the second time in a second thread you requested it lol
^ i wanna give u a solution to ur boredom dann...! im at work too but i dont make up weird stories about u =/
angie has a thingy too. no? I read that somewhere think girls enjoy it more cuse guys do all the work like everything else/.