^ yea right.. you would prob go for her in your dreams, but she isn't gonna come to you. not with that looks she wouldn't, she would go for someone that's hotter, like the hot type. blaaah.. that sounded disgusting and awful. lol
but thas why the guys fanin' out the cash to keep da girls excited n motivated. Think of it like feedin' the fire in the engine of them old trains....forget the lube lemme see you with two hand and a whole lotta spit...
sorry, i'm not a slut! but neways, i'm the one that you should paid money to. not me having money for you. if you want money, GET A SUMMER JOB!!! Bwahahaha!!!!!
get me a summer job..i found this job for 12/hr but the interview so friggin far...don't know how to go there
You mean better at performing? I think that varies from person to person, you can't just say one sex gives sex better than the other. . . . And no, females don't only like there like dead fish, there's lots of positions that make us girls do all the work and the guys just lie there and do nothing . . . -sweat
thas major skills cuz they can get multiple girls... ; lol i dont even know where im going with my comments... i'm sure ill eventually think up somethin right to say for this thread... -lol
LMAO! No worries! I'll be coming out with a book very soon! =P Unless you want private lessons HAHH jk jk