2007-2008 UEFA Champions League

Discussion in 'Sports Chat' started by goo wak jai, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    i cried when man u won
  2. sschsu

    sschsu Well-Known Member

    Best European Cup I have watched. Man U won the double.
  3. g9news

    g9news Well-Known Member

    MU was so lucky in the final.
  4. Asjin_chun

    Asjin_chun Member

    yes Man United won the champions leauge :p
  5. sschsu

    sschsu Well-Known Member

    Stop talking crap abount Man U was lucky. If Man U was so lucky, it should be 3 - 0 up on the fisrt half.
  6. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    I think Man U and Chelsea both had good chances in that game, i think Man U could have easily killed CheIsea's hopes of winning the cup ithe first half but they didn't take their chances. Chelsea were the better side after the break imo. Also, i thought Chelsea was going to win when Terry went to the spot... OH well, I didn't care anyway.... dn't like both teams lol

    *Avram Grant's been sacked... I think he's done an alright job, but with Chelsea you must win a trophy each year.
  7. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    They almost won the title, almost won the CL and almost had the league cup. so at the end nothing.
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    lol if u think about it... they were pretty lucky... twice off woodwork... Drogba sent off right b4 PKs and Terry who's usually a rock, slips... if that's not luck, i dunno what to call it... i guess for Manc fans, it'd be badluck for Chelski rather than good luck for the Mancs...

    if it did turn out to be 3-0... that wouldn't be luck, it'd be a dominated victory...

    Feel real bad for Terry... He's probably feeling so bad right now cuz he probably thinks Grant's sacking was his fault too now... still cant' believe they sacked Grant... i mean without him, I think they woulda been fighting with Liverpool for 3rd/4th...

    And i gotta hand it to Scholes/Giggs/Neville... those 3 are pure class... especially at the end of the game... not many players like them around nemore...
  9. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    u liverpool fans hate risse for not takin us 2 the final this year? We cld of gt there if it werent for his dumb Own goal, lol
  10. sschsu

    sschsu Well-Known Member

    Let say Chelsea miss the woodwork by a few inches, then they should scored 3 goals after extra time, this rule must apply to Man U as well, few inches away from the goal keeper's hand in the first half and one in extra time, then the final score should be 4-3 to Man U. Luck or no luck, 1-1 is a fair results after extra time. Penaltys are lottory, any thing could happen. Man U had lost on penalties in many major cup finals? It is fate that Man U won the CL Cup this time.
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    lol ur comparing hitting woodwork with a blocked shot by a keeper? ok... i'll stop arguing then... lol
  12. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    wow HKB... how can u even make fun of chelski with the last pic? u guys paid the most over last summer transfers... ur debt is off the charts... atleast Chelski can write off all their debt... ManU can't... the Glazers would never put their own ass on the line... should the Glazers ever choose to default, ManU is gonna be the next Leeds...
  13. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    wth u on about, chill man, in football these days u actually buy ur results, the more you spend the likely you can win trophies, as for the joke. im on about himself, he rich he got everything, but he cant buy chelsea a trophy derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, dont even understand what u on about with in debt etc..beside i realise since the glazers took over man u has started win trophy plus they also offer some money for SAF but he reject cos the david gill has offer him enough no need for the owner to help out, as long we got SAF and David Gill we be fine, plus billionair america bastard supporting us
  14. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    rofl that's the biggest pile of crap i've heard in a while... if that were true Newcastle would be a contender not mid table... Tottenham would be 4th/5th... Milan shoulda won their league, etc...

    lol where do u think Gill is getting this transfer budget from? haha... u think it's coming out of his own pocket? yes, while it's true that the money comes directly from the sale of tickets, and merchandising, licensing, etc(which btw, i've heard prices for tickets are insane and looks like it'll go up again)... that money is also needed to pay off the huge ass 660+million pounds the Glazers used to buy the club... and unfortunately, atm, it looks like the only thing the Glazers have been paying is the interest... so should the Glazers ever default... the club would be owned by the bank that funded their takeover... and that's when ManU would become the next Leeds...

    The Glazers have risked absolutely NOTHING, in taking over ManU... all the debt has been put onto the assets of the club... on the opposite end for Chelski however, all their money comes directly from the owner... so atleast Chelski is financially secure... can't say the same for ManU...

    and Roman spent a hell of a lot less this past year than ManU did on transfers... most of the clubs signings were on free... u lot spent potentially a little under 50million for 3 players...
  15. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    hahahahahahah, hey im telling you chelsea is gonma become next leeds plus might be closing down cos u got shit players and your owner is gonna leave cos he realise he bought the wrong club

    thats my opinion^^^^^^^

    below your opinon

    man u gonna become next leeds, thats fine say what ever u want

    rest my case

    p.s btw how do u know our debts are off the charts
  16. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

  17. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    lmao wow the internet, guess what i saw on news that the other day chelsea is closing down enjoy whatever you can i got proof


    search for chelsea closing down lol

    dont belive in unoffical website i never heard plus they rumours

    tbh i can make a website now and say chelsea owner got arrested for spending gangsta money or realise he hasnt paid tax etc...
  18. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    ^ahahaha how freaking naive and ignorant are you? of course i'm gonna use online sources... how else am i gonna prove it to you? fly a plane to ur house with a newspaper in my hand? u honestly think only one site is reporting on it? how bout these? Lets start with the Guardian, it's a national UK newspaper isn't it?







    rumours? what part do you think is rumours? the size of the debt? the fact that ManU has debt? Roman being worth 20billion so Chelski technically has no debt? debt owned by banks? haha which do u think is a rumour? it's great u support ManU m8, but don't be blind to the truth about what's rly going on at your own club...
  19. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    your last sentence is the best. no matter what your club is, you should always be aware of the truth!