2007-2008 UEFA Champions League

Discussion in 'Sports Chat' started by goo wak jai, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    lmao how sad with all those links of news report and evidence, you little sad boy

    well im belive in my team, i ave faith in them i dont know whats all this debt business is, i want to know how those news agent got their source i reckon its a load of bullshit

    until a day man u does tell they gonna become leeds

    i belive man u in a secure financial state end of, and even if we are in debt??? and the point is???? does that mean we have to closed down man utd???
  2. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    lol i'm sad little boy cuz i have sources to back up my claims? that's a new one that's for sure...

    u still haven't answered my question m8... what do u think is a load of bs? all of it? u are seriously blind if u think all of it is bs...

    What does it mean if ManU is in debt? at the moment... nothing cuz at the moment, you're still capable of paying off the interest(by raping their own fans with increased prices on everything, and by refinancing for even more debt)... should the Glazers ever default, as in not able to pay the full amount of interest, the banks will basically own ManU... that's when ManU becomes the next Leeds... players are sold, old trafford taken away, etc...

    btw... do u even know what happened to leeds? or are u just talkin with shit in your mouth?
  3. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    u fucking ah cha just shut up ok, no more
  4. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    whoa whoa whoa... did u just call me ah cha? that's not cool m8... not cool at all:(
  5. sschsu

    sschsu Well-Known Member

    Man U is not Leeds. Leeds spent too much because they though they could do well in the Europen Cup then. After that everything went wrong (playing crap football, bad chairman and manager). If you read the latest finencial report on the premiership. Man U make more money then any team in the preminship, every week more than 70000 fans watching the home game. Won more trophy than any team in the last 20 years. Man U just won the double. If you think Man U going to be the same as Leeds then you don't know what you are talking about. So please stop talking crap.
  6. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    lol ur absolutely right... if ManU can continue to win I'm sure they won't be the next Leeds... but SAF is leaving within 3 yrs... do u think Ronaldo will still be here in 3 yrs? things can go quite awry when SAF leaves...

    it's true ManU is top earner in EPL, i don't deny or doubt that... in fact I agree wholeheatedly they make more money then all clubs in England... but that doesn't mean they make enuff to repay that debt... if my memory serves me right u lot made 210million pounds the last year... but u also have a wage bill of about 100million... the payment on the intrest alone from the debt is somewhere like 65million pounds... that laves you roughly 45million... sounds like a lot don't it? but how much of that 45million are u gonna spend on transfers? remember u guys did spend a possible 50million pounds last summer... AND Tevez is out of contract...

    I never denied that ManU is a strong football club, but in order for you to keep up with that huge debt... you have to keep winning(just like Leeds had to do, but failed to do)... and hope that ur fans don't get pushed out from tickets/merchandise from being too expensive... I don't see u guys clearing this debt b4 SAF retires... that's when things get interesting for sure...
  7. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    you should go apply for manchester united personal accoutant, you seem like a pr0 with all this money business lmao crazy im telling u

    you doin a level maths or math degree or some shit?

    plus i do apologies man u are in debt :p but u really think david gill doesnt know that? im pretty sure there be some pro accoutant will work out the bill, man u wont go into that much debt without knowing the consquence
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    the problem is Gill isn't in charge of the debt... Glazers are... whatever "profit" comes out of the club after Gill goes through it, is what the Glazers use to pay off the interest and put in their own pockets...

    hey look in all honesty i don't want ManU to sink either... they're fun to watch on occasion... and I rate Anderson highly, so I want to see him succeed... but the debt ManU holds is currently the largest debt in all of football... and as soon as the Glazers jumped on board, the debt nearly tripled since then...
  9. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    anderson hasnt scored for man u yet lmao apart from the penalty in the CL final
  10. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    then again he hasn't played much either... i rate him a whole lot higher than Nani... Nani's just an arrogant Ronaldo wannabe... Anderson has some good dribble skills and he's quite strong on the ball...