everyone thinks he will get 20pts and 10 rebounds a game.. he isn't the same player he was 5 year ago! in my opinion he's on the team for defense purposes ...it kinds of gives bosh less work before bosh would have to grab every rebound and block every shot that was inside....now bosh can focus on offense and it shows he's putting GReat numbers up right now. Bargnani is looking good right now... it's about time he played his game!
good game..celtics and raptors...wat a dissapointment tho..i guess celtics is too much..i guess i konw wat jersey to rock tomoro =p
I still cannot believe that the raptor blew 15 pts lead in the 4th quarter - but is a good game. Glad to see that raptor can play with the best team in the league.
sorry honkie, the rockets aint making pass round 1 >.<, round 2 if their big 3 actually does something like T-MAC doesnt get injured and Yao gets more aggressive
nice phillies won!!! rocking my 76er's jacket at ACC today....no one could say anything to me hahahahaha goood game for bosh tho 30pts... i was outside the practice court yesterday and saw the players come in and out..fukign bos was like a dinosaur lol and he said hi then barganani is huge too and he said hi in a low voice lol..his english neeed improvement...damn good time it was...saw parker tooo and solomon who was more chilled and actually talked anyways rockets vs suns lol!! who saw that small fight hahhaha
i lol at the small fight, shaq was pushing everybody after the fight was about ot be over , that was funny
rocks are adjusting to artest, last season they started out by first half badly then pwned in second. Lots of teams are adjusting to new players, they will get better later during the season when everyone gets a feel for each other or at least we hope so.
our guards need to shoot better....JO is playing well...but seems when he has a good game our other shooters are not. :( still early though!
they have the suns coach...they got fast paced offense and will make a push in the east... no one questioned the knicks talent it's just that they didn't have a good coach to guide them...this year they have that.