2008 beijin olympics medal reveiled

Discussion in 'Sports Chat' started by kdotc, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Hey, they don't even need a wooden box, they can also use a hard carton box which can also look more sophisticated than just plastic. Like the dark blue Swarowski boxes, inside black velvet and outside blue carton but it still looks classy. :)

    If I look at that shiny plastic 'red bean paste coloured lunchbox' I can't help to think a part of it will easily break off.
  2. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    I like the designs of these medals sans the font. The jade was a nice touch.

    According to this site http://en.beijing2008.cn/67/83/article214028367.shtml the boxes are made of wood. And the Gold medal is actually gold plated silver, IOC requirements.

    I hear they are going to try to make it rain by seeding the clouds before the olympics open so that there will be nice weather.
  3. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Have heard about that 'moving the clouds' plan too and the first time I heard it I thought it was some sort of joke, inspired by the film The Avengers or something but they were pretty serious..
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well I am sure China would be VERY careful with that. Since it means an INTERNATIONAL level of face issue to them...

    Those jade used are ultra top grade, the original rock were tested and will not chip/break even dropped at 1 meter height before it qualifies to be made into those medals...

    Or so I heard...
  5. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    China is taking hosting the Olympics very serious. They're definitely going to do a better job than NYC would have done with the 2012 games. The National Stadium looks awesome.
  6. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I do look forward to the opening show; it must be the most amazingly colourful ceremonial show we've ever seen. Anyone remember the taster in the closing show at the Athens Olympics 2004? That was already great to see.
  7. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    It was a good ceremony, she blew out the flame.
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @Duch: Olympic 2012 is in NYC???? -shock I thought it is in London...
  9. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    It is, NYC lost the bid. I said 'a better job than nyc WOULD have done.' The traffic would have been horrendous here if NYC hosted the olympics, so I'm glad they lost.
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Oops, misread it :p

    I am sure the same can be said of London =_=b Congestion is just so typical of any real cities...
  11. shadow85

    shadow85 Well-Known Member

    hahah, you spelled beijing wrong. those medals are ok.
  12. Xx_Flora_xX

    Xx_Flora_xX Well-Known Member

    looks nice but the case is definitely not ok.
  13. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    the jade is certainly a nice touch. love that. a little something to remind everyone of the Chinese tradition.
  14. Arctic_fire

    Arctic_fire Well-Known Member

    nice nice,, chinese colour red
  15. mangomiu

    mangomiu Member

    does anyone know how to go about getting tickets for an event at the olympics? there must be something like a ticketmaster website right?
  16. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    This kind of info kan often be found on the official site of such a massive event...
