I just noticed the note about posting in this thread today. Well just posting to let you know I joined
^ you still can. just go sign into your Yahoo! account and click the link in the PM, then enter the information provided and you should be in the league.
Sorry, I have too much HW this semester. Last year, I actually spent more time analyzing players' stats than studying my books.
DRAFT INFORMATION There has been a change in time because the latest time Yahoo! would allow us to have the draft was 8:45 PST. In other words, the draft will start 15 minutes earlier. Please arrive 10 minutes beforehand. Date: Saturday October 17th for those with GMT-5:00 and GMT-8:00. Sunday October 18th for those with GMT+10:00 and GMT+1:00. Time: 11:45PM (midnight between saturday and sunday) for those with GMT-5:00 8:45PM for those with GMT-8:00 2:45PM for those with GMT+11:00 5:45AM for those with GMT+1:00 i don't know what timezone you're in, so just convert it based on the time above. yes it will automatically help you draft from your list if you're not there and as for prizes, at the moment it's a no.
good.. we got 12 players.. now to get everyone to show up for draft night SHOWWWWWWWWWWW UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Just a heads up, guys. One of my leagues got canceled on draft day because the number of teams was uneven... so make sure the league's even by draft time!