as of now, the tentative time and date for the draft is: Thursday Oct 7 11:00PM EST. and also a reminder to participants that league info has already been sent out so check your inboxes for a PM and join the league. EDIT: main post updated.
only 7 teams registered and a bit more than a week before the start ..... wake up guys and make your team
Wow, 11pm for the east coast guy :( Please don't change the time any later, don't want to finish the draft @ 1AM.
the date is a bit soon imo.. but its ok, the remaining 4 please join up!! i ain prepared i need to start a couple mock drafts
can we not has it at thurs on that time =P... if we do it at that time... it'd have to be a fast draft cuz i would only have an hour and a half
than do it on 12 are you asking me to wake up around 4 and bupy around 3 o clock? even last year i could wake up around 5....
ok my sugesstion would be now: 6PM EST an whatever day it would do for me --- convert to me it would be 11 oçlock in the evening and burpy it is 10 o clock... that would be better times and don't say i have dinner because we are also playing it.... and this way everyone got the time... 12PM EST and this one on a week day ----- convert to my time 5 oclock in the morning and for burpy it would be 4....
still 2 teams missing by tmr if the last 2 persons dont register their teams, i guess u could give a slot to the reserves and see who register first
the problem with that time is that people have work or school. really early or really late is the best time. and what's wrong with thursday? i'm going to be moving to the waitlist this thursday, october 7. starters may sit out week 24, but that week is 10 days instead of 7.
I don't get it! Thursday? Why can't it be a FRIDAY? Or a weekend? I don't understand your reasoning. The possibility of catchnig everyone on a weekend far surpasses that of a weekday. People gives suggestions and you don't really care, yet those that voice are passed off. I"m just saying though. We agreed last season I believe that there should be a change for the better, improved scoring, management, and possibly a prize to keep it competitive. Like I said, it's not easy committing for so many months. Haven't you been in enough leagues where other people gave up & spoiled it?
I have a friend or two that want to join to make it fun, but a lot depends on the commissioner and what not. More people, more stats, more fun ! More strategy, more challenge !