6 years is alright; my best friend dated boy who was 20 when she was 14. Still dating many years later.
I prefer men who are some years older than me. I don´t know why but i find them more attractive maybe they are more expericenced haha kidding nah seriously i think they can give me the feeling that im protected and i feel safe. I´ve tried to date people around my age but it feels like they´re to immature....well like many people say, boys get mature later than girls
i don't think it matters too much as long as u both like each other and are suited for one another. its just they have to be at least from 20 i guess cos otherwise the maturity level would be different.
rich, nice, and a nice car will get u all the girls but personally, if the girl was much older than me, i'd somewhat feel uncomfortable, unless she isnt taller than me or appearance looks much older xD