360 elite or ps3

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by ivan83sg, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. Mystery Otaku

    Mystery Otaku Well-Known Member

    PS3 is better, I think we all know that by now. But I pirate games and there is no way I'm buying a bluray drive just to burn backups for my PS3...I think the better question is: whats better, the Xbox 360 or the Wii?
  2. sillumjay

    sillumjay Well-Known Member

    hmmm the only reason i would get the xbox 360 is for halo 3 hehe fun fun fun... but now in the uk ps3 hasnt got much games that are tempting me >.< i am waiting for metal gear solid or tekken 6 to come out first before i buy the ps3 =D
  3. kinda

    kinda New Member

    PS3 seems to be better & with extra support of blueray disc seems better. Also full HD
  4. SingLung

    SingLung Member

    I vote PS#... WOOT WOOT Forever Sony Fan!
  5. andrew_c18

    andrew_c18 Member

    definitely hoping it's the ps3 since i've got one but i'm planning to get a 360 in the near future anyways haha

    sony has the gaming variety but 360's also got some crazy fast paced shooter while wii's the party game material
  6. Blueray aint gona be very popular besides being used for ps3 games, its gona be HD-DVD i bet.
  7. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    IMO either one, but I think Blue-ray has a slight edge.
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    funny u should say that... notice M$ doesn't have a built in HD-DVD player in the 360... its because if HD-DVD should lose the war, they can still market a 360 with Blu-Ray w/o redesigning the system... and don't kid urself and think they didn't bundle the HD-DVD drive with the 360 to cut consumer cost... that's a pile of crap... they'd do the same thing Sony's doing and push a new format on you too if they were confident enough about HD-DVD... hell Bill Gates himself doesn't even believe in it... he thinks streaming HD content is the future... not another format...
  9. 1. i gave my opinion, im not a fanboy i couldn't care less about bundling Hd-DVD, saving money or whatever, so i wont be "kidding myself" sir..
    2. emmm ok.... well thats your opinion just like i gave mine (thank you for stating bill gates opinion too), i don't look into these things so deep as it doesn't bother me to such a degree. but i stand by what i said, out of HD-DVD and blueray, HD-DVD will do better imo.
  10. yr20405

    yr20405 Member

    i heard the ps3 is very cheap in hong kong is that true?
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    ur a fanboy, when you believe in something in blind faith, ur a fanboy... you don't give any reason to why you think Blu-Ray would fail... you just give an uneducated assumption on the dismissal of a great piece of technology... you said urself that it doesn't bother you to such a degree, and here you are trying to defend ur opinion(with no facts i might add)... if u really couldn't care less about all this, why even state ur opinion to begin with?... an uneducated opinion doesn't help someone make an educated buy(like most of the PS3 fanboys on here saying "yeah go sony!")... and what i stated isn't opinion... if u add the HD-DVD extention into the 360, it'd easily push the system into PS3 price range(the drive is currently $179)... M$ has been touted as a leader in the HD-DVD side of the format wars, but when your CEO doesn't even believe in the product how are you going to win the war?

    -bottom line... Blu-Ray has the edge right now... period... they have too many things going for them especially since Sony owns most of the summer's blockbusters, couple movie studios, anime studios, etc... I'm not declaring a winner, all I'm saying is Blu-Ray is the current front runner...
  12. ^ ROFL now this is what I call a fanboy through and through. Dude I couldn’t care less about prices, the CEO' opinion some so called fanboy war or whatever else. I said I believe HD-DVD will do better, that’s my opinion, deal with it.
    #72 master_g, Sep 7, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2007
  13. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    o yeah i'm a fanboy... that's why i've been advocating to buy a 360 instead of a PS3 on this thread and promoting Sony's Blu-Ray at the same time... i'm not a fanboy, i've researched what is necessary to make an educated choice/statement... i certainly can't say the same for you... if u don't care about the so called "fanboy war" why do you even care if HD-DVD will do better? why even give an opinion on the subject? if you have something to say you need to back it up, or all ur spouting is bull...
  14. dude your a fanboy period. that's why you dont like it when i give my own opinion instead of posting technical rubbish. last time i checked it was a public forum, i can post whatever i like thank you very much, so deal with that too. anyway ill leave you to to get back to analysing blue-ray sales performance, figuring out possible package deals and current CEO' opinions (fanboy activities ftw) :p
    #74 master_g, Sep 8, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2007
  15. breakersrevenge

    breakersrevenge Well-Known Member

    I have all 3 next gen consoles - Elite, PS3 and wii

    Not going to pick one which is better as all 3 of them have good and bad sides!!

    Fanboy debate will go on for ever!!

    We just enjoy playing them!

    Games I cannot wait for - COD4, MOH-Airbourne, GTA and the one I want most MGS4!
  16. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    I don't like your opinion because ur saying it on a whim... its like saying the Sun is is smaller than the Moon... just because ur opinion is its smaller does it make it smaller? ur making false implications to people choosing how to spend their hard earned money... that's why i don't like ur opinion... if u said something like x game is better than y game on their respective consoles... i wouldn't care as much... but ur completely bullshitting an important aspect of one console... hey if i'm wrong about Blu-Ray, prove me wrong, i'll gladly take back everything i said back and apologize... otherwise just keep ur mouth shut...
  17. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    wow you're a jackass. Its his opinion so shut up. and i don't see why you're picking on him. 90% of this thread is filled with pointless fanboy posts so why don't you bash all of them while you're at it.

    and if you still want reasons on why HD DVD might win then here you go:

    Past - Sony had a similar battle with VHS and lost.
    Fear of copyright protection - Sony has had some bad rep with their copyright protection (even though I don't think this really matters for Blue-ray)
    Studios - With the move by Universal and Dreamworks to put movies out only for HD DVD the race just got a little tighter.
    Price - HD DVD is much more affordable than blue ray. Its even cheaper to make HD DVD's than blue-ray discs
    Scratches - Blue-discs are more easier to scratch

    ^ Some reasons
  18. Thanks khaotic, thats a great post, you summed up this fanboy in denial pretty well, i think Aoes is looking for someone to impress with his fanboy-ism , but it aint working on us, but u gota applaud his tenacity. as i said before i can post what i want, also, i doubt people are gona buy a particular console based on what is said on this thread as all of us (Except you) understand that this is just a load of people opinions. your looking more and more like a fanboy now, keep it up and youll look like a complete idiot.

    FYI this is a forum, its non verbal, so yeah ill keep my mouth shut, but my fingers will keep typing :p
  19. loztxoul

    loztxoul Well-Known Member

    man.... what ever consoles that would please you the most then get it! othe then that the parts that are in it doesn't reallie matter the most!