i pick ps3... to me i dont really see many good games on the xbox 360 besides halo and gears of war ><
This coming from a huge Playstation fan pre PS3. I truly think Xbox360 is the overall better performer. Ofcourse graphics the PS3 wins but its price is just to ridiculous compared to an Xbox360. The games on PS3 is nothing spectacular, and just recently it has lost another exclusive, Devil May Cry 4. Microsoft are being very competitive and offering many great features this time round. Their network system is top of the line compared to what the PS3 is offering. Anyways. I'm still a hardcore pc enthusiast so I pick neither.
at none. im happy with my ps2. i guess i'll wait for price to go down and morwe games to come out b4 i consider any new system
PS3.. i wanted to play Final Fantasy series!! ive actually got one from hk and its great, but the controller sort of copied the wii's 1 with the motion sensing and they took out DUAL SHOCK!! it was so good but they may put it bak in i fink ><
ps3...but nintendo seems like it'd be a lot more fun to play with frends.. and besides.. i don't have a high def tv so it would be pointless to but something liek a ps3 and 360 when you can only have rgb
xbox 360 better atm xbox 360 has got superb games like Gears of Wars n Rise of the dead these games i quite like. recently my uncle got a ps3 he got ridge racer 7 n Virtual Figter i must admit they are RUBBISH! ps3 console itself is ok la 9/10 but the games that are out the suck badly. need to w8 for games like Gran Turmiso Devil May Cry Final Fantasy n Pro Evo these are the main games im looking forward too on ps3 ps3 controller is kinder shit too. very light thats gd but the motion senser thing is crap they useless, no vibrtation too even worse! so for me atm xbox360-rockon
Definately ps3. I have to upgrade my computer (editing/design) either way so my cpu will be able to play all of the 360 games since they're all being ported over. PS3 games won't be and blu-ray drives cost too much as this moment.