i just found this artle on yahoo, some guy's suing Microsoft becuase it overheats and feezes
definitely PS3...cuz the Japanese will be making most of the games so does anyone know when the system will be sold in America??
personally i think ps3 is more powerful then xbox360, but i'm always a fan of ps no matter what, so i would have to go w/ ps3
PS3 all the way! lol anyone got the latest pix of the game console? I saw some, but I reckon they are fake..
PS3 all the way just because it is better, and i heard that a shit load of xbox 360s had recalls on them anyways, so they are shitty lol
I'll wait for the PS3 Because the graphical side of the ps3 is much better than the 360... The desgin is very good.... I'm a Sony-fanboy Blu-ray