
Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Phil, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. bobbylee

    bobbylee Well-Known Member

    but if u were under the same circumstances, i think u would be too scared and shocked to do something logical.
  2. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    And i dont think attacking the rapist was an immediate option. If i read correctly, the rapist came in threatening a girl to begin with already. Sure they couldve taken him on... but then the first girl wouldve died right away.
  3. krazyaznboi

    krazyaznboi Well-Known Member


    if an old lady is able to sue macdonald over spilled coffee, then why can't parents sue gvt for compensation

    i agree with y didn't they just fight, since they outnumber the attacker.

    p.s. both the macdonald case and this govt case are just plain out stupid and wrong
  4. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    lol well i've been sorta following this cos i hav a subscription to syd herald.
    it was in redfern. from what i read.. he confronted one o f the girls in the elevator with a knife and got her to take to her room. when in there the guy did attempt to take on the knife.. successfully at first. but he somehow managed to get a kitchen knife.
    The girl died cos they supposedly tried to climb to the balcony above or below.
    Im pretty sure it wasn't planned that one of them to die. attacking a guy with a knife will most likely lead to them being hurt unless they had some form of disarming training.

    @bobbylee: i totally agree with u. unless u've been in that situation and took on the attacker i dont think u should say they weren't smart to not take on the attacker.
    its easy to say when u haven't been in that situation
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    sry to tell you but i had been attacked twice except not in a home. the first time, it was by three ppl and only one pocket knife. the second time was four ppl but no weapon. my strategy at the time was to just try my very best and knocked one guy down and use that person as a shield. i did by kicking one guy at the ball, the side of his knee, pull his head by his hair on the ground and just dragged until the other kinda slow down. as soon as there was a bit distance, i let go and ran as fast as i could until i go into a small corner store to call the police. apparently, they were or still are gang members who mistaken me for someone else and just wanna teach the "supposedly" person a lesson. i could've been easily shot and/or killed. my point is to give it your all at all situation. looking back now, i called it a strategy but at the time, i wasn't really thinking .. just how to get out of the situation. i came away with a broken tooth, a blackeye, scratches on my neck and both arms, and bruise on the side of my ab area from being kicked. thanks to my backpack, my back/spine wasn't injure.

    since the incidence, i took jujitsu and now, no more girly kicking and punching, i will break their bone when i have a chance. i hate to mention about the past cuz kicking someone ball was so GAY but to make my point from experience, sometimes, you just gotta stand up and act cuz no one gonna be there to help you. honestly, even those who have taken self defense classes may not know how to act when situation call for it. it's all about life skill and how much is your will to live.

    my wife now, when she goes to work, she has pens in purse and pocket, pepper spray, and an alarm. she's extremely cautious even broad daylight. you just never know who you may run into .... can be a creep, someone crazy, etc .. her strategy is to use her pen as weapon and attack the eyes and do whatever to get out. people gotta learn to protect themselve. age, shock, scared, weapons, and whatever aren't really good excuse. it's your life and you who's gonna live on or not .. if you're disabled and can't do much, i can understand. that's a good excuse.
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ not everyone is as brave as u...? *shrugs*
    u can keep on saying how stupid they were n what u did or would have done... but different people respond differently
    these are just young students... they were scared... of course u can think of a million things they couldve done now...

    we can say lots of things, yeah they shouldve done this they shouldve done that... but its just their reaction

    "Security camera footage from the entrance to the building shows the attacker stalking the friend as she walks towards the lift. Once inside, she pressed a button to her friends' third-floor flat, whereupon the man pulled a concealed knife, robbed her and forced her to take him to the flat."

    abt the whole door opening thing... nabout how "stupid" she was... she didnt just randomly opened up for someone who knocked on the door... their friend probably knocked on the door...
    its a big tragedy n even if she did open the door...

    i think many ppl would open the door if people would ring their doorbell or knock their door... they just dont expect such thing to happen
    unfortunately this world is now filled with sickminded bastards

    n its not like they wanted to commit suicide when they jumped off the building... they tried to escape... they panicked n thought that was the best thing to do... i doubt anyone can think straight after being abused for hrs...

    anyway, R.I.P. to the girl n hope her bf nr roommates are ok....
    n i hope that bastard will suffer from some kind of bad disease or someone is gonna give him like 823832872983 paper cuts n then rub salt on it n leave him to rot....
    yeah i watched lots of movies n it sounds cruel but ppl like him deserve it
    #26 MissCheekS, Nov 2, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  7. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    yeah .. well .. i too hope the guy will be crucified or tortured ... i don't wanna see him get the dead penalty or life sentence. but my worry is that he might gets off to the mental institution by declaring insanity .. lol.
  8. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I call that targeting the weakness, wise move during street fights LOL
  9. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    its easy with hindsight to say how you should or would have reacted, but in the heat of the moment anything can happen

    either way its all f*cked up stuff....
  10. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    oh yea... i wouldnt b surprised... if i ever do something bad ima pretend im cuckoo toooooo -sorc

    i call this SPAM
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    agreed no one here was put into the same situation....can't be exactly the same no matter what but my opinion is they should've thought better than to jump if the balcony was too high, but it was pretty much a dead end either way if they don't have the strength/will to defend themselves from the guy. not everyone can get away alive from that type of situation even if they try to take the knife from the guy so its a 50/50.
  12. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    yes looking back they shoulda done this and that
    but they were there for a whole hour!!

    they were forced to do sex acts during that time...

    and in the end, to jump off... better of jumping at the guy if ur gonna die anyway

    and abt the sueing... theres always ppl who sue for anything all the time...
    but for gods sake.. u just arrive here and start sueing... just makes u think more, that all they think abt is $$ and nothing else...
  13. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Thats not spam! Thats off-topic!

    Btw why did Phil say can't believe this happened in sydney either, so where have this kind of stuff happened at before?
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i was sorta thinking the same thing... if it was me id just wanna have the sickminded bastard prosecuted n go back to china.... but yeah... dunno la their choice....
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    keep in mind, the mother is a business person .. i guess the first thing that came to mind was i need to be compensated for my loss of a daughter cuz with my daughter gone, money is what comforting me when i retired ..

    i agree with her because china has the one child policy and now, she has no one else beside her husband. BUT, i feel she should've pursued it right after all the funeral things have been settled first ....
  16. dvd

    dvd Well-Known Member

    Hope this F#@$er gets the s@#$ beat out of him in the big house.
  17. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    if he is even sent to the "big" house .. this will probably drag on for months if not years before he will be found guilty (or possibly NOT for declaration of insanity).
  18. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    i just read that one of the victims managed to call the police and the police officers arrived at the scene but left when they didn't hear screaming nor able to locate the unit 10 minutes before the girl fell to her death and all the police came back again. what's wrong w/ the police over in that area? don't they need to survey the scene a bit more carefully instead of just left like that?? ppl called for a reason and to treat it so lightly was so irresponsible of the officers. it takes them like months to years to solve a case but take them minutes to dismiss a call for help. i can't imagine anyone would call the emergency number for fun (though it may happen sometimes) after all, it's a crime to do so.

    anyone know of possibility of discrimination in the area? in america, where certain area that's predominately "ethnic" minority, the response time is rather slow; not just in emergency situation; even dialing the local police dispatcher directly or paramedics.
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ ive read an article on this too...
    the police just dropped by to have a look... but too many apartments so they just left....
    its a poor job that the police did especially since they've called more than once
    n i agree that its not likely for ppl to just call emergency line for "fun" and especially if this happens more than once...
    i dont think its discrimination tho... just a poor job... they probably couldnt be bothered (too much trouble, too lazy?) to ring every doorbell


    here is a piece of the article ive read:

    Balcony victim's desperate call

    Alex Tibbitts and Georgina Robinson
    November 4, 2008 - 11:30AM

    [​IMG] The dead girl's mother; Wu Liping, and stepfather He Fa Heng.
    Photo: Adam Hollingworth


    ONE of four students allegedly sexually assaulted at knifepoint in a Waterloo apartment managed to ring triple-0 before one of them died falling from the third-floor unit trying to escape her attacker.
    The call for help on October 26 was cut short before the operator could get an address. However, police managed to trace the call to the apartment complex but did not get a flat number. They arrived at the building but were unable to find the caller in the dozens of units in the complex and left before the 18-year-old Chinese student fell to her death and her Korean boyfriend, 19, suffered severe spinal and leg injuries also falling from the balcony.
    Police returned when more triple-0 calls came in alerting them to the couple's fate. Two other Chinese nationals were also allegedly repeatedly sexually assaulted in the hour-long ordeal.
    A police spokeswoman said: "Where it is determined callers are in need of assistance but are unable to supply an address, police use investigative resources to identify the location and dispatch a patrol vehicle. Police followed those procedures in the recent incident at Waterloo. However, they only had a street address and no unit number.
    "Police attempted to determine if anyone needed assistance but because of the large number of apartments in the complex they were unable to locate the caller.
    "Police take every call to triple-0 seriously."

  20. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    Sad/ I hate those type of ppl

    looking at the building. I could have escaped easily. Just go onto the ledge where the metal is and swing to the next floor.

    If you are able to to do pull ups then you can do it easily. that's is why ppl have to exercise.

    the korean guy is prob fat. -whistle