7am Waking Up In The Morning

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. person

    person Well-Known Member

    'Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday- comes afterwaaarrrrdssss'

    Friday. Gotta get down on Friday.

    Might as well post this up again.

  2. lol where did u get that video? it looks like it was shot in the 90s.. and then it's like from a real game.. i am so confused...
  3. lolsensfans :facepalm:
  4. lmfaooo... gotta get famous one way or another
  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    I found it on a Hockey forum. It's pretty hilarious.
  6. you read hockey forums? which one? hfboards?
  7. ^ Oh noes......
  8. person

    person Well-Known Member

    lol they're not really known. I read my hometown team forum the most actually...