errr no i just hear them alot and remember them like this one there was a man with a dog, a cat and a mouse. The man has to cross a river but the raft only holds 2 people at a time. The dog and cat can not be alone together or they will fight neither can the cat and the mouse be alone together how does the man cross the river with his three animals?
^ The version I heard was: A farmer, a wolf, a sheep, and cabbage The wolf eat the sheep The sheep eat the cabbage and same thing trying to get across
1- Cat over, return only human. 2- Dog over, return with cat. 3- mouse over, return only human. 4- Cat over! Fait accompli.
Well it could be anything... The farmer might each the cabbage or The man is allergic to fur but let's just keep it simple and that the farmer train the wolf fairly well
^ lol....there are so many variations to that question. another one i heard was with some ducks or chickens...i forget
Lol okie how bout this one. Its green, when you cut it its red, when you put it in your mouth and spit it out its black
^ I was planning to say something... but let's just keep it that way... Haha... I guess we'll just wait for the lucky person to make the thread =)... I'll support that thread 100%... (A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E)