More riddle please...!!! So we're just gonna keep it to thise thread?... Or else I'll at least change the title of my 1st post...
nah its alright lets just stay on this thread okie next one a man is walking on a beach. When he turns his head to look backwards he cant see his footprint. WHY?
He's walking backward!!! Was really thinking... That better be right... Or else my next guess would be... He's a ghost
yea the guy couldnt see his footprint cos he was walking backwards n now its time for me to go sleep. Its 3.32am over here lol
i dont get it... i got the riddle on the first try. *borat voice* seems like i got sexy brain very nice! wawaweewa! here if you want some more iq questions! this game has its own thread somewhere wayyy back but just reposted the game for your amusement
try this XD What a Time At noon and midnight the hour and minute hands are exactly coincident with each other. How many other times between noon and midnight do the hour and minute hands cross? Answer: Ten times (not eleven, as most people seem to think)
hahaha okie another one There was 6 crows on a tree. A man took out his gun and shot one of the crows. How many crows are left on the tree