A question to all the males of PA...

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by SugaCutie0, Jun 4, 2007.


Would you ever date a muscular woman?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    46 vote(s)
  3. I'm really not sure..

    8 vote(s)
  1. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    The Asian woman has a indeed a pretty face, but it's just a bit too extreme with these bulky muscles. Seen docs about female bodybuilders and there are apparently men who prefer them over the skinnier types. (usually bodybuilders themselves)
  2. kakenx

    kakenx Well-Known Member

    errr... ummm... first thought was... remember to wear a cup before telling her u want to break up lmao! well, on the serious side... I wouldn't date someone as muscular as the pictures u posted. Someone not as "big", but with toned muscles is ok.
  3. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    i doubt a cup would save you kakenx -rotfl
  4. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    Im not really sure. But maybe it would be no cause if we get in an argument. She might kill me.
  5. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    To those males who say they would date such females, I wonder if they look as muscular? ;)
    Coz it just seems weird to me if your girl looks much more muscular than you. Lol.

    This reminds me of WWE Chyna. She dated with Triple H at one time, and they both looked matching coz Triple H was more muscular than Chyna.
  6. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    -lol I guess you'd fall under the category of feeling "threatened.."

    lol BR... didnt even know that those two dated... only 2 here said a definite yes, I wish I knew who did now...-lol
  7. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    i would rather handle a girl, not be handled by one
  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Yep they did but I am not sure if it's just an act or for real tho :p
    Same goes for triple H and Stephanie haha
    And yeah you shd haf made a PUBLIC poll.
  9. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    ewww my answer would be no straight away
  10. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member


    No, I purposefully decided to make it anonymous, so the the guys wouldn't hesitate to be honest about it.;) but now I want to know...:D Oooo well..
  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Meh, ever since i discovered a public poll, i never made my polls private lol
  12. haun

    haun Well-Known Member

    feel free to do it if u want to get beat up by female :D
  13. w10_chi24

    w10_chi24 Well-Known Member

    that muscular ... hmmmm . NO !! abit of muscles are ok . . but with that much is scary!
  14. Silversaber

    Silversaber Active Member

    I don't think any of my girl friends would even want to date GUYS that muscular. That's just plain overdoing it. Definitely would not date girls that muscular =/
  15. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    i think i'm going to be sick.
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Exactly. It's bad enough that guys feel threatened by the girls' intelligence/mental strength,
    they should not feel physically intimidated as well.... -rolleyes
  17. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Nope, I will not date a Miss Arnie. He ... ehhh ... she has nothing feminine anymore.
    The feminine curves are gone and thereby also my interest
  18. erichau

    erichau Active Member

    omg... for a second there i voted then i see this... LOL just what i thought
  19. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    what intelligence/mental strength?

    but i voted no as well ... it's just ... gross! i like my woman fair, smooth and sexy; not bulky. although i do think a little curve looks good.
  20. mgfcortez

    mgfcortez Well-Known Member

    well i might date a woman big kinda like that,but not like that.lol
    they need a lil more femininity,if they have big tits i'd probly be faster to date one.
    not that big tits are something i care about,but i'd need something of a woman on them.lol
    i might dte a girl with no brest and be cool with it,but a woman with a chest like a man would be a real turn off.
    i seen girl's with big brest and that kind of body and think they look good,maybe even sexy.
    not as sexy as a real woman tho:p
    i'd rader have a lil cute woman anyday.
    but not saying i would turn a woman like this down,but she would have to have the big brest to make the look right.
    no big manly chest thats sick!