Abortion. What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    jct8..u gave that child life by bring it into the world....there is nothing more precious than life itself...but def interesting question...
  2. arose4me

    arose4me Guest

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    should've been a lot more careful then. i used to be totally pro-choice until i watched one of those abortion videos. makes you think.
  3. Loner

    Loner Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

  4. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    I don't understand why so many people are against abortion. I don't find anything wrong with abortions. It should be a woman's right to choose what she wants to do with her own body, and other people should not have any say in what she does. After all, she will be the one suffering afterwards.

    The people who are against abortion should really start minding their own business. When they fork up the money to support all the unwanted children because they are so against abortion, then we'll talk. Until then, they need to be quiet.

    Rather than having women who are not yet capable of taking care of a baby actually have one and be a burden on society, why not let her get an abortion? If two people feel that they are incapable of raising a child and opt to have an abortion, then kudos to them. I think that they're actually doing society a favor by not burdening the tax payers. If they have a child and are not financially capable of taking care of a child, will they not form the line to start applying for welfare?

    And for those who are saying that the fetus deserves to live, in the event that this fetus/child is born into a family that isn't capable of taking care of it and is fully dysfunctional, does s/he deserve to live in an abusive environment and be susceptible to poverty? I can tell you that the answer to that would be NO.

    If today, we were talking about killing a baby that is fully functional and developed, then that'd be murder. If you're talking about a fetus, which is incapable of surviving on its own without the help of the mother/womb, then it's nonsense. It's not murder if the life itself can't be sustained without the help of something else... particularly when all the organs haven't even developed yet (prior to 3 months).

    I must also remind you that adoption isn't always as peachy as most people make it sound. There are millions of children out there who are in foster homes/are orphans because they were born into a family that didn't want them/didn't have enough responsibility to take care of them. Not every unwanted child gets adopted, and those children who end up living in foster homes are oftentimes abused by their foster parents...because the foster parents didn't want them to begin with; they just wanted the government subsidy. I've read too many articles on child abuse and children getting killed (real children...children who have arms, legs, brain, etc... not a fetus) by their parents, and I don't know about you, but I think that's 100x worse than abortion.

    -end rant
  5. donkeyhit

    donkeyhit Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Well, that's bullshit i think... Just because something can't live on their own... You should kill it?

    What if you were the baby... You wouldnt mind getting kill?<_<

    BTW, there are so many other ways such as sending it to like adoption center as a last resort... If you're living in a well income family, I don't think there would be a problem... Obviously the life style would be different, but I don't think abortion would make anything better either
  6. cewek

    cewek Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    hell yes we should against obortion, especially from those irresponsible pregnancies. yes I never give financial aid to those unwanted childs, but the problem solving is not start from me giving money, it starts from the potential irresponsible couple, whose shouldn't have sex at the first place!!!!
    killing babies not solving the problem.
    Those irresponsible couples shouldn't let their childs take the blame over parent's fault by killing them. you never know what will happen to a child's future, why you should take away a child chance to live?
    one should responsible to one's actions!
    even if you're dream scattered because you're pregnant, let it be, thats a consequence of your action.
    its not an easy thing to do, but its your job to rise your children well, so they're dont do stupid act like you did.
    The most important thing, try your hardest to rise your children, yes Try!!
    dont say you're not capable before you try your hardest.

    I am sure parent who have abortion or adoption, regret it big time latter in their life.

    if abortion become legall, what do you think will happen?
  7. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Firstly, to answer your question, if I were a fetus and I knew that if I were to be brought into this world and not be provided with all the necessities that every child deserves, then no, I wouldn't mind if my parents aborted me. In a way, they would actually be doing me a favor. I'd rather not be born at all than to be born and raised by 2 irresponsible parents who might potentially abuse or neglect me...then again, that's just me.

    Anyway, a fetus is NOT considered a 'baby' until it is at least 22 days old. Prior to that it is merely a bundle of blood cells. That's why there's a certain period where you're allowed to have an abortion, and in that case, it shouldn't be considered as 'murder' or 'killing'. Abortion is nothing remotely similar to murder. Doctors call it a FETUS for a reason, and the law (well, here in the U.S., anyway) even states that until it is born, a baby is still considered property of the mother who has Constitutional rights to abort her unborn offspring.

    I mean, how could you even consider something that has no feelings, a heart, a brain, body parts etc. a human? A fetus can't even feel anything during the first 3 weeks of it's development stage. Those who think that aborting the fetus will "hurt" it...fetuses cannot feel pain until at least the 28th week because they haven't yet formed the necessary nerve pathways.

    If you consider an embryo a life, than sperm and eggs are life too and your body gets rid of them automatically anyways. So in this case, are you killing potential life at least once every month? Every time a girl bleeds during her period, those same cells are gotten rid of, does that mean that a baby has just been flushed down the toilet? I don't think so.

    And to counter your question, will these babies have happiness if they were born knowing that they were never wanted in someone's life? How would you feel? How do you know the fate of this child unless you're the one directing it? Can you gaurantee its happiness? Most likely not.

    Okay, in regards to 'responsibility'...Honestly, do you really think that teens who are forced to have babies will take full responsibility to take care of them once they are born? Let me just emphasize that although I'm pro-choice, I'm definitely not saying that abortion should be used as a form of contraception. It is screwed up for someone to go out and get an abortion every week, but if they truely feel that they are not ready to raise a child, then abortion is a great option to have available.

    People make it out as if putting the baby up for adoption is such an easy option, does the woman not have to carry the baby for 9 excruciating months? And if the likelyhood that health complications could occur, why should a woman risk damaging her body and her health? The mother obviously wouldn't be thinking of abortion if she doesn't need to. There has got to be many other reasons that lead her to that decision. You can't say that every woman who decides to have a kid is a 'good mother', or a 'good woman' either. They can be abusive, or later decide to get rid of the child in a different way.

    Sure, teens should accept responsibility for their actions, but ACCIDENTS do occur! No contraception out there in 100% safe. And if abortion were to become illegalized, desperate teens may just resort to aborting the baby themselves. So tell me, which is worst?

    Anyway, abortion has always and most likely will always be a touchy subject of debate...So even though I disagree with your opinion on this stance, I still respect it. Everyone has his/her own beliefs and there's really no saying who' right or wrong. Having said that, I'll just end my long winded rant here...those who managed to read this entire essay, thanks for reading! *laff*
  8. Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    lol this thread came at the right time... not only do I think you should be able to have an abortion, but I think you should be able kill that bastard child no matter how old they are.

    I mean we play practically play God in every way.. so why not be able to 'kill', get rid of, to make it sound nice, what ever it is we created... I mean what if your child was about to take over the world... or is some psycho... take that bastard out before they cause any harm.

    I was watchin Safeguard and the son's... man... they shouldn't be able to treat you like that after giving them all your love an affection...

    And besides the world is overpopulated as it is...
  9. donkeyhit

    donkeyhit Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Actually once the sperm meets the egg... a new life has already begun... and something doesnt have feeling doesnt mean we should kill it... and no one can determine the future of the baby either

    How would you know your parent will be irresponsible? There is a lot happening in everyone's life...
  10. Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    yea some life, trapped inside an egg... with like just a head... no PS2, no TV, no money, no car to drive, no arms or legs... what a freakin life...-.-
  11. Raymo

    Raymo Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    I'd say it depends on what stage the baby is? If it's still in a cell stage, abort is fine. But if the baby is starting to form limbs and stuff, tough luck for both of them. They going to have to keep the baby.
  12. popalopa

    popalopa Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    Well that's the feeling I get most of time when people do an abortion...
  13. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    I would say the mother should be free to make that kind of decision. She has the power to bring a baby into the world and she also has the power to deny that. Its her body and nobody should force her to do what she doesn't want to do. Its not like someone is harmed by this. Well, maybe the baby, but i still firmly believe the mother should have all the right to decide on abortion.
  14. Jennifer_W

    Jennifer_W Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    I am against abortion when it is perform as a contraception that is just wrong, but I am fore in cases such as rape or even special circumstance as birthdefect, why bring it in to the world if the parent can not provide care for them.
  15. Aznguy123

    Aznguy123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    she does know wat happen when she gets a abortion right?? no more babies -.- and its going to make life harder for her too..
  16. Sandy

    Sandy Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    I"m pro-choice...
  17. Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    what if you had a kid like George Bush tho... wouldn't you wanna abort his ass...
  18. Akademik

    Akademik Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    The thing s... most abortion doctors onyl do it @ 3 months so it doenst kill the mother.

    @ 3 months.. the baby will start to have limbs.
  19. areyouabitch?

    areyouabitch? Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    if that happen to me! i would kill my bf if he didn't get marry with me! guys like that would make me want to kill them!!
  20. zihe

    zihe Well-Known Member

    Re: Abortion... what would you do?

    If you are going to get an abortion, you might as well have the baby than give it away to an orphanage than, instead of taking away a life.