Abortion. What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Apr 6, 2005.


    DIESEL Active Member

    I'm not a girl, but I would say abortion is the smart choice. 18 is still young... so much to live for and imagine be only 18 years older than your kid.
  2. benjwang

    benjwang Well-Known Member

    abortion is unfair and unjust.. to the baby.
    so firstly, educate urself and use protection.
    secondly, if u were unfortunate enough to be uneducated, go to the hospital the min u think u might be at risk i.e. the morning after, and seek immediate help.
    thrid point: shall everything else fail and u find urself 3 months pregnant or some shit like that. have the baby and either a. put it up for adoption, plenty of parents who are childless just wishing they could have that baby. b. deal with it and raise it (only if u financially and emotionally can.)
  3. Lukia

    Lukia New Member

    Abortion's wrong.
    What if you were the baby to be aborted? Sacrifice your life to better another's or just for your mother's inconvenience?
  4. drkdemon

    drkdemon Active Member

    I am totally for abortion, for all the reasons that shy have stated, but no one has listened to. Consider carefully everything that s/he has said, because it's pretty relevant. To feel pain, one must have developed nerves that run from the brain to the proper pathways. Also, to trust adoption and foster care so much, I'm assuming most of you have NOT seen how children who go through it fare and what they get out of it, which blatantly speaking, is NOT much. So you're okay with them suffering through that the first 18 years of their lives, knowing that their parents had to give them up for one situation or another and living their lives so unfairly. And if you're putting the child up for adoption, hoping that someone else will pick up the responsibility for you, isn't that selfish (and pretty assuming) as well? If an abortion can save such long-term emotional and, possibly, physical pain, then yes, I say do it.

    Besides, it's the mother's choice, whether we like it or not, and should always stay as such. I wouldn't want anyone I don't know or care about to have any say in how I live my life, whether it's who I wish to get involved in, how I should treat my body, etc... These are my mistakes to make and they affect me and the people who are involved, no one else.
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ LOL, pro-choice here, but I have the feeling that if the other haven't read Shy's post thoroughly, it is highly unlikely they will now (just because you pointed out the obvious fact that they didn't read)

    I have no idea why so many were riding that moral high horse here. I consider the unborn fetus a parasite to the bearing mother, it's one thing to let it be and whack havoc on your body, but it shouldn't be expect that EVERYONE to take it lying down.

    Yes, it's irresponsible to have unsafe sex, and there's always accidents. However, I doubt the taxpayers, which is both you and me, have to pay an extra 10% non-aborted child fund to support the heavily burdened adoption system of the un-aborted children.

    It is always easy to say that "yeah yeah, I will give birth" or "I'll get married" or "I'll put it to adoption", you have no idea how harmful a fetus is for a mother, the mother is prone to diseases and illnesses during pregnancy, and today we still run the risk of mothers dying giving birth (no joke) because C-section is not offered/available to every mother.

    And adoption? You sure you know what adoption is? Much like those abandoned pet from the Humane Society, it is highly likely that the child is traumatized due to abandonment. Add that to a foster home with unknown quality (it is equally likely to be an abusive household and a loving one, if not more likely the former case), now THAT is what I would call inhumane, to subject someone to go through such tragedy. An aborted fetus is a tragedy not yet started, an abandoned child is a tragedy waiting to reach the new height.

    But who I am kidding, it's not like any of the against-abortion righteousness will read this post anyway, they will just flame because I am the supposedly pro-fetus-killers.
  6. drkdemon

    drkdemon Active Member

    I completely agree with you, hiake. I don't put too much emphasis on arguing about the fetus as much as I do about the consequences of what happens when the mother gives birth to an unwanted child (i.e. adoption process) because I've always wanted to adopt a child should I ever feel like starting a family, so I do a lot of research into child adoptions. The fetus argument is a strong one, though, and I think people should so more research before they continue to argue for pro-life in that context.

    I like how everyone goes, "Well, yes, abortion works in these exceptions only..." as if their moral code means everything. Yes, there are people who abuse the abortion process, but that's the same for every resource that's available. I.e. drugs, yet we're not limiting how much people can get, because in the long run, it helps the majority of the population. That's the same for abortion. Having the option opens more opportunites to save women than it does if you slap a law that limits it.
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ I hate the fact that people think they are doing the RIGHT thing, placing THEIR social expectation and life style on another person (a bearing mother). If they don't like abortion, be my guest and have the child when THEY have a child in their womb. But it's the mother's body thus HER choice is of no concern nor consequence of your oh-so-righteous. It's SO easy to say "bear the child" when one is not the subject in hand, having to endure the 9 months of roller coaster ride. Thus, I am not necessary pro-abortion, I am pro-choice. It's the MOTHER's CHOICE to do what she sees fit, not the business of any other person. She's welcome to bear the child, yet I do not see the point of limiting her choice if she think an abortion is called for.

    At the end of the day, it's not like those pro-life righteousness are going to support the miserable mother's life with the unwanted baby. So shut up already.


    @drkdemon: You've made a very strong argument in countering the possible abuse of legalized abortion. It's not like it will be the ONLY abused social system ever existed...

    DIESEL Active Member

    From my point of view, it's not just the mother's life you're harming if you don't abort it. The baby will be at a lot of disadvantages because it's mother will still be immature and not ready to raise a baby. The mother might run away or travel around a lot. So in the end the baby, the mother, the parents of the mother, and maybe the mother's friends will all be harmed.
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    i would go for the baby and the guy..... since he's decent :) slave it out a few years... money can always be earned.
    Besides, the plus point, my child will b big enuff n i am still so young!!
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Hiake : exactly. Abortion is a mother's choice and not anyone's else.
    People tend to be judgmental and so morally righteous but they r not in the mother's shoes. People who just come into this thread and say "Abortion is wrong" without considering the situation, I take it as spam and totally useless comment.
    I think u cannot declare whether abortion is right or wrong. It's a case to case basis.
    I'll give u some examples.
    Scenario A
    Dad rapes daughter n daughter gets pregnant. Do u say abortion is wrong here? Do u expect the daughter to give birth to a child who is borne out of an incestuous relationship? Imagine the trauma it will do to the daughter and the child?
    So basically in rape and incest cases, abortion is an option, nvr wrong.

    Scenario B
    U get pregnant with ur partner, but u both feel u r not ready for a child, emotionally or financially. Then u haf to ask urself how u feel morally. Whether u'll feel guilty afterwards? Strong enuff to leave a deep impact in ur relationship and will it b the same? Or u could live with a mistake, abort it and then get pregnant when u r ready?

    Scenario C
    Prostitutes. Get what i mean ? U dont expect a prostitute to get pregnant from God knows who and feel lovey dovey abt the baby and wanna keep it. To them it's their job and if they get pregnant out of a job, they' just might hate the baby if they haf it.

    Scenario D
    U r reckless and haf sex with multiple partners without takin precaution. In this case, i do find the person aborting the baby a heartless, cruel person. And i would say "abortion is wrong" to that person because u got pregnant due to ur own irresponsibility.
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ I guess I agree with you mostly, with certain reserve.

    In my opinion, the bottom line has always been "if the person is comfortable with it..." I mean, sure abortion cannot be a happy-go-lucky thing to go through, but I am certain that most chose abortion as last resort and not taking twisted pleasure in repeatedly mistreating their own body (I've said before and I will say it again, bearing a child is hard physical labour for 9 months+ and on the other side of the argument, having an abortion may be quick relatively speaking but not a walk in the park pleasant thing to do either)

    So back to the case in point, of course rape victims should have the option open for them, be it an incestous rape or rape of any other type, a victim of unspeakable crime should not be expected to undergo an enduring mental and physical trauma of child bearing. Or I guess there's always some in the crowd that would go "oh I'm sure the victim will grow to love it" but my take would be more like "she is likely to commit suicide before post partum depression kicks in full force"

    Prostitution is a livelihood for many in the world, being one of the most ancient occupation ever existed, WAY before military and thieves. Yet despite its long history, prostitution has always been labelled marginal and sub-standard. Many consider it a morally bankrupted occupation. However, like a militant without weapon, an author without a pen or a singer without a voice, pregnancy to prostitution is a liability to livelihood. And really, if they are oh-so-morally bankrupted already anyways, there's little point to live up to the delicate (and double) moral standard of the ruthless bystanders.

    The last would be an "accidental pregnancy", the abotion which ensues, be it a thoroughly thought out painful decision or a decision as careless as the intercourse which caused it, is entirely the person in question's business. I never understand the so-called morality in the question. As long as the person can sleep well at night, would it make a difference if the decision itself is amoral? Note that I didn't say it is immoral but amoral because this decision is ABOVE morality.

    The person may think it is a wrong decision but went ahead with it due to one reason or another, but it would be him/her (probably her) who will be losing sleep over it (or not losing sleep over it because he/she thinks that it was the right thing to do). Don't get overly protective of the unborn fetus, it won't be anxious about the abortion and so you should follow suit.

    To sum up, if the person can handle the abortion better than bearing the child, I see no harm in abortion. Yet if abortion cause distress so severe that it may harm the mother, perhaps it is time to weigh in the pros and cons of both abortion and pregnancy to judge whether it is a wise decision. And as always, it is not a matter of "killing the unborn fetus" but "harming the already much grown up mother (both physically and mentally)"
  12. ch0ps7ix

    ch0ps7ix Well-Known Member

    do what u think is best for urself...... advice from thers is bias due to their personal beliefs...... me ex had an abortion b4 :\
  13. Abortion, no matter what the circumstances are is bad. Like what people usually say, the unborn baby is innocent, and it's the grown ups/teenagers fault that they're formed. It's not as if they chose to be in this world. Besides, it's also dangerous and you'll live with that guilt for the rest of your life.
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Yeah, have an innocent life ruin a not-so-innocent life... What a way of trade.
  15. shiyi

    shiyi Member

    It's best on having the baby n give it up for adoption....
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Some people like you, may say,"Oh you should just give it up for adoption, not kill it".

    But in cases where the parents just can't afford to take care of a child; or when there's no love in the relationship and the mother doesn't want it, it should be allowed and not condemned upon.

    People seem to forget that a woman has to carry a foetus for nine months. NINE MONTHS of hardship and the pain of labour itself! The poor woman may be suffering from prenatal and postpartum depression to the effect that she may even kill/hurt herself, whilst everyone just so-called 'cared' for a baby who's not even borned yet. How ironic is that?!
  17. LOL come on b-rain out of all people.. why you -lol
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Hmm, what do you mean Dann?
  19. lol you know exactly what i mean ;)

    i think i should report you to old thread-diggers... LOL im just kidding ;)

    id never do that -lol
  20. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    <_< First of all, 1 week is NOT that old.

    Secondly, the admins already made it clear...
    You MAY reply to old threads provided you give a reasonable comment; not just to increase posts count... -doh