Abortion. What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    When having abortion, the baby is not even knowing anything... It's just a cell... not an embryo yet
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    im not pregnant but im still telling u... no abortion...
    im not against it if someone else wants to do it.... but im against it for myself
    also, my mother would be so upset if id have an abortion
    my n my family have a very strong bond and i know for sure that they will help me no matter what
    im not saying that i'd rely on them but it probably makes it a lot more easy for me

    but wouldnt u feel bad n guilty if u see those cute lil babies everywhere....
    it might not know anything n it could be sucked away very easily when u have an abortion but its not nothing... it could b U, it could b ME!
  3. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    i dunno actually... thats why i say that i'll only know if it happens to me.
    but in my head.. it's telling me to do it if i'm not ready for a baby.
  4. Malden.... boston area... i suppose

    Angie you take cells too seriously.... there wouldn't be a place for a baby to develop if the parent's can't provide it with... its one thing if you are financially ready for it and when you aren't..... feeling guilty is fueled by others telling you that you are a baby killer when in fact you feel like you aren't ready..... other people's ideas pressuring you to think a certain way about yourself....
  5. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Of all places, huh? It's a small world we live in.
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    @ akki: No la...it has nothing to do with anyone else... no one would know if id have an abortion but everyone would know if id get knocked up without being marriage...
    so its probably easier for me to have an abortion...
    i take cells too serious...if u say so la... i just see too many cute babies ard me >_<
  7. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    ^babies are cute when you don't have to care for them 24/7....when you have one your outlook on them takes a sudden 180 change. Well that is at least what happened to a few of my friends when they had babbies....it turned their life upside down.

    i think parents shouldn't have kids, unless they are absolutely ready for having one financially and emotionally. at the karaoke bar that i go...there is a mother that brings her 5 year old with her. here she is getting hammered each time i see her....everytime i see that...i think to myself what is going through that kids head....imagine the reprecussions that has for the kid
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ of course im not naive enough to think its all gonna go smooth and i will have to make sacrifices....

    n yea well like i said its a personal choice... n people who arent going to give the care that the kid's gonna need shouldnt have it
  9. chualawrence

    chualawrence Member

    abortion? depends on the situation... but i dont recommended abortion at all cos the baby is innocent. unless u want to be a murderer.. otherwise abortion is not a good idea at all. you have to take the responsibility... u want to have sex means u already beware what's gonna happened next. so be smart, always protect yourself. play safe! :D:D:D
  10. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    If only everyone was as smart and perfect to go by those "rules" to 'beware what's gonna happened next', nobody would be at fault and we wouldn't have any problems in our world today, would we?
  11. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    But if you allow people to be wrong, then the problem itself will never end...
  12. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Translation: if you allow people to go through with abortion, the killing of babies will never end. Back to square one, everybody has their perceptions on what's right and wrong on abortion.

    But if you were saying it in a general sense, it's flawed. We disallow drinking under the influence, speeding, insider trading, etc., yet the problems will continue to occur. It's part of life, not everybody clings onto their sense of precaution.
  13. angle21

    angle21 Well-Known Member

    the world is overpopulated as it is, people are living longer than ever and the world doesn't have enough resources as it is. People should have the right to choose as it is their life.
  14. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Well the problem will still occur, just like abortion was occuring whether it was legal or not, but now it just become widespread.

    Drinkng, speeding, inside trading would be exactly the same if it become legalize, it will occur much more frequently. Similarly, if there is no speed limit, you would probably driving 100km/hr on the street, yet even if the speed limit say 70km/hr, some people will follow it and some people won't. But at least more people will follow the speed limit.
  15. emawlee28

    emawlee28 Well-Known Member

    abort caause obviously its not stable .. esp if ur not .. dating this guy for more then a year
  16. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Wow... (and I don't mean World of Warcraft) Excuse me, but hello? That is just absolutely incorrect. >.<

    Single cells like the sperm or the egg combine to form the embryo, a massed collection of rapidly dividing cells. By the time someone knows that they are pregnant (usually after missing a menses, or about 5-6 weeks) it is no longer even an embryo but a fetus. It has already developed a heartbeat, and arm and leg buds are starting to emerge.

    So when having an abortion it is not just a cell. :whistling:

    I am decidedly pro-Choice, but I nonetheless do not like abortions. I myself had been the partner involved in two abortion decisions and they were not easy decisions to make. The thing that I find alarming isn't the abortion itself, but the total political disregard for correct information and inaccuracy of claims on both sides of a very personal decision. My take is, get the facts and get them straight.

    But those things that are "disallowed" are punishable acts; that is, criminal statutes apply. The problems can continue, but the state then has the option to put those people in jail. And your comment of killing of babies will never end ignores the fact that even if there will zero abortions in the world for the rest of eternity, the killing of babies will never end anyway. That is, babies throughout the world die on a hourly basis from privation, hunger, disease, murder, et cetera, anyway. Thus your argument implying that the cessation of abortions will somehow stop the killing of babies is rather disingenuous. Moreover, many of those things that result in the death of children are already criminally codified; meaning that there are all sorts of laws against them to begin with. Yet they still happen with regularity. Thus creating sanctions against abortion won't stop it, but only criminalizes a very personal decision.

    LOL... no offense but, IMHO, everyone who has not ever had to face such a decision should just keep their mouths shut as none of you know what the hell you're talking about. I know that sounds rude and abrupt, but not as much as people telling others what they should or should not do with their own bodies.
    #136 ralphrepo, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  17. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    lol...maybe u should stop dating jerks....???
    i mean...dont generalize

    even if ud be dating a guys more than a year...if hes an irresponsible asshole he can still dump u...
    dont just say ABORT as if its an easy decision...
  18. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    Your FRIEND ah?? -lol

    No opinion on this because I really don't know situation or know the person. But you have to figure out if the guy is sincere or just want to be a " man " until he finds another one. or if you are like that too and want to be a "woman".
  19. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    The part about "killing of babies will never end" is merely a translation of what AC was saying because that's why he believed was the problem with abortion. I did not imply that babies don't die of other causes nor did I say that sanctioning against abortion will stop the killing of babies. That's just putting words into my mouth.

    And why does anyone need to have "faced" such a decision to talk about it? Sure, someone who has faced it has primary experience in knowing what's it like to go through the process, but it's not like just because they've been through it that they have special privileges/knowledge to talk about it. The only difference is, the ones who've experience it can stand FIRM on what they believe is right/wrong and for those who've never been through it, they're voicing what they believe is right/wrong based on their values, beliefs, and knowledge (being told about it by friends/relatives, class discussions, etc.). If your comment was directed at those who made absurdly wrong assumptions (it is just a cell), I'll agree with you.

    I think it's safe to assume that most people here KNOW that abortion is a very difficult process to go through and that it's not at all a positive matter.

    Very true. It's why I have a hard time believing why some people care so much that abortion exists. It's HER personal decision and her OWN body, why should anyone else care?
  20. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    what about the fatheR? =X