Abortion. What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    If she tries to commit sucide, then should we care abt it?
  2. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Err.. so you're saying since abortion causes some to suicide, "we" (Congress and society) should disallow abortion?

    When I said "why should anyone else care," I meant those that are against abortion, not those related to the person.
  3. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Well, my point is just that sucide doesn't really affect anyone life either. It's her choice to kill herself or not, therefore, is it alright to watch someone to commit suicide?
  4. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Are you serious? Obviously you can't apply the logic of "it's her body, why should anyone else care?" to something like suicide. People die from suicide, so yes, we should care.

    Think about it in a "real life" context: if your friend goes through with abortion, should you care? Probably not because it's her own business (you might care for her well-being, but not for the actual decision). If your friend wants to suicide, should you care? No shit, he/she's your friend, of course you care.

    I think that distinction should make my point clear.
  5. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    It isn't clear, because I care for the baby even thought the baby is not mine, so why is she allow to have the abortion if your statement is holds true.
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Ah... I see, I'm sorry then; I didn't know that that didn't come from you. The comment, IMHO is still valid. However, I do apologize for misdirecting it at you.

    From my personal experience (and not just vis a vis abortion issues), I've found that sometimes, even with a firm opinion beforehand, that after experiencing something first hand, an opinion either changes, or isn't quite so firm. Those that have had life defining events in their lives will know this. Things felt immutably important prior to that, will sometimes be rendered moot; and things that one thought black and white often becomes tempered with complex shades of gray. While you're correct in that there is no need for anyone to have gone through anything to formulate an opinion; you're even more correct in that those who formulate opinions supported by actual experience are even more resolute and determined in their views. And of course free speech is essential to public discourse. What I meant was, that a chorus of uninformed, knee jerk verbal positioning based on nothing more than rhetoric, is counter productive at best. At worst, it creates an atmosphere of such poisonous rancor that real facts become buried in an avalanche of shrill disinformation. Such has been the history of the abortion "debate" ever since Roe v Wade. I've become so accustomed to responding in such a way to the hue and cry of the rabble that sometimes, I myself am unable to see the forest for the trees; I thank your for pointing that out.

    Agreed on both counts.
  7. sidhe

    sidhe Member

    i guess every female who's sexually active needs to consider this from time to time. even protected sex isn't a 100%. regardless of whether the father or the family is involved, it's really just you and the baby. can you raise the child on your own? is this what you want for your child? vs can you deal with aborting the pregnancy?

    if the situation isn't what she wants for her or her baby but can't deal with abortion - put up for adoption.
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    maybe guys should think this too?
    yes, the woman carries the baby n physically everything its gonna be the woman who has to undergo everything but arent sexually active guys supposed to think too?
    isnt it a bit odd to say that about women? dont u think guys should have a feeling of responsibility?
    if no, then how is this fair?

    if my bf was to tell me something like that id just tell him to get lost...why is it all on me?
    if ur both enjoying sex then why do u feel a woman should take all the responsibilities... i find that unreasonable
  9. ^ thats just life, if everything in the world was fair then it wouldnt be sucha fkd up place really..
    Some guys would take the responsibilities.. but im so sure that its only like 25% if not less on young age..
  10. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    i say put it up for adoption.
  11. xyinniex

    xyinniex Active Member

    like everything, it depends on the situation on abortion and the decision of the mother.

    If i had been under a terrible ordeal and through that a child was conceived, I would abort it cuz i wouldn't be mentally stable to raise it or go through the birth.

    I would only, go for abortion, in extreme circumstances.

    But Im not comdemning anybody that does go through it, because its not an easy decision.
    So yeah, Im pro-choice.
  12. What about Papa

    Terrible ordeal..Like sex? mentally stable.. hmmm you mean it wouldn't suit you

    For many it is very easy, just a bunch of cells after all

    What about papa and baby, only mommy gets a choice :(
  13. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ well seeing as you just said its "just a bunch of cells after all" so whuts this 'papa' gonna do anywayz...??...-lol....j/k
  14. ^ i was being sarcastic there, some peeps consider it to be a bunch of cells and have no hard feelings having an abortion :Talktohand: :p
  15. xyinniex

    xyinniex Active Member

    Okay fine, papa too, I didn't rule out the father.

    I meant rape, but obviously, you're too dim to read between the lines

    And you're seriously deluded to think that many women who do get abortions think like that.
    Like I'm not saying i did, but seriously, most women go through emotionally draining process into thinking it out.

    It's the woman's body and if she can't handle having a child, why put both mother and child at risk?

  16. You should give papa a mention in future rather than putting mother in bold and forgetting papa :(

    So if it was ANY situation besides rape you would have the baby? me dimmz -dead

    the baby isnt the womans body, its another that happens to growing inside of hers, if she cant handle having a baby maybe she needs to avoid the cause of having babies. :rolleyes2: unlesss you rollz like that :riaa:
  17. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ master!! i would have the baby in any situation except for rape!!!!

  18. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ thas why "papa master g" gets no say in the decision...!!...hahaha...-lol

  19. ^ Huh how comes????? i dont believe they are just cells, i was being sarcastic and airing the common view which i don't agree with :(. so... papa_G gets a say haha
  20. superbug9

    superbug9 Well-Known Member

    I believe people have the right to chose since it's their body....