Abortion. What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. wanwan86

    wanwan86 Active Member

    Either keep or kill, the decision is make by the couple. in my opinion, if the guy is able to provide a simple life for a small family so then keep the new life. If the guy cannot stand on his 2 feet, then he should consider on how to take care of the new life who will come after 9 months?
  2. hkconfused

    hkconfused Active Member

    I would abort if I was raped
  3. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    You raped our forums.

    Time to abort.
  4. some girl was in the news few days ago, she killed/aborted her baby and died of infection herself. tragic, especially for the baby who had no say in all of this.
  5. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    i will abort if my life is not stable enough to raise the child... even if that means that i'll "kill" a baby. i still think the baby won't be raisen well when i can't give him good raising environment. but yeahh... i think it depends on the situation in the end, you can say anything in earlier stades, but when you're IN the situation... it could mean you just want to have the baby.

  6. stable enough as in you got lots of money cus poor people have kids, or do you mean psychologically?

    are you the kind of person who says "if i cant have it, it must die", cant you have the baby adopted? its better than death.

    if your stable enough to have sex then shouldn't you be stable enough to bear the consequence instead of killing an innocent because of your actions?

    im not attacking you, i just want your opinion on this
  7. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Putting the baby for adoption would mean that you'd have to let the whole world (family, friends, classmates, co-workers, etc.) know that you're pregnant and I think that's one of the factors women try to avoid when comtemplating about abortion (and explaining what happened to the baby would be another headache story to tell). I mean, if you're not going to keep the baby, what's the sense in going through the trouble of having your belly show + going through the pain of labor? Just so she can say "I didn't take a life" when she probably never believed that abortion equated to killing anyway? If they're thinking about abortion in the first place, I think it's fair point to say that they probably do not think of abortion as a "death" or "killing an innocent."

    Regarding your second point, it's the most cliche comment that anti-abortionists (not saying you are one) make and I personally think it's bullshit. What do you mean by "stable enough to have sex"? I assume you mean "if you're responsible enough to have sex" -- in that case, I would respond, everybody makes mistakes and abortion is readily available to remedy that mistake, why not take it? Everybody has their own beliefs of what a fetus is and whether it is considered an "innocent" is arguable.
  8. stargal

    stargal New Member

    prevention is better than cure :x
    i wouldnt choose abortion unless i'm really forced too.
    when you do it unprotected, this is the consequences you gotta face.
    either take the responsibility or dun do it in the first place.
    baby also have life. she/he din even get the chance to voice an objection and you sucked her/him out adi ..
    pity baby T_T

  9. the question was for the person i quoted

    thanks anyway but hopefully the person i quoted will answer.
  10. Whiterabbit

    Whiterabbit Active Member

    i will prefer to take an abortion. The girl and boy are still to young to become parents. And if she keep the baby, it will ruin her and the baby future. She won't be able to finish her school. And can't not get a good job because she have to take care of the baby and doesn't finish school. And she is still a child yet, she won't be able to take good care for the baby like she always have dream about.
    If they really love each other the will be together too in the future. And then after a few years , they can get a baby again.

  11. and get 2 cute kittens.
  12. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i wonder, what if there was no abortion, would ppl have less sex? be more cautious? have the baby n give it up for adoption? keep it anyways?

    for me its not just a cell... its alive n its growing inside urself n cuz just cuz theres abortion n u can get rid of it at an early stage (before it is able to feel/think anything) doesnt mean its not alive

    i think ppl just take abortion more lightly cuz abortion is an option....
    u can "remove" ur responsibility.... its ur choice to have sex so face the responsibilities....
    thats the way i see it for myself n if my friends or anyone else would ask me for my advice id say the same thing....
    ive always said that i wouldnt have an abortion unless i get raped *knock on wood* n im gonna stick to that
  13. JackyJack

    JackyJack Active Member

    what would Obama do?