Errrr....if u say so lol.... I am curious to find out IF that will ever happen...most likely no... i think i prefer a 30 year old over a 20 year old guy -unsure
Question on this. What exactly is this difference that women see in a 30 year old male and a guy in their early 20's? My rationale obviously tells me that someone in their 30's would have a better economic foundation and will obviously have those extra years of life experience. Maybe be a little more relationship security and POSSIBLY wanting to settle down. But what else is expected? Those things, however, seem to be more maturity in one's assets rather than one's personality. For example, I changed a lot from high school to college and I'm assuming I will make another change from college to that career part of my life. So what else does a woman want to see in this "maturity"?
My dad is 3 years younger than my mom. but, they met when they were in their late twenties. As all the others have said, it does depend on the maturity of each party. I dated a person who was 10 years my senior when I was younger and everyone thought it was a horrible idea and that he was taking advantage of me. At the time, my maturity was a couple years older than my age and he's maturity was a couple years younger than his age so we were able to be on the same wavelength. Don't let age be the factor that stops you from trying, give it a go, you never know she might not care about the age factor at all. If she did, then I'm sure you'll find better girls who won't turn down a guy just based on their age alone.
i wouldn't say you don't have a chance...but you better show something to her that she might not see in a say a guy that is older than her... maturity level plays a lot of it...if you come off as a 23-24 year old in mentality then you would stand a better chance
lol that's the difference m8... while ur here rationalizing, the older guy is and or has experienced it... youngins think... the older guys do... and we do it well
Well you know yourself better than anyone... But Perfering an older guy doesnt mean its impossible to FALL IN LOVE with a younger one
i guess to a male.. wouldn't mind about a girl 3 years away from him... but to me.. i can't.. i can only get a male that are same age as me or older than by 4yr... but not younger than me.. i don't feel comfortable >.<
If you like this kind of relationship and you don't mind about it. Just do it! Just like a man shorter than a women. If he don't mind, then he will still pursue the girl he love!
Normally the guy is older than the girl. I know some girls mind and I know some girls don't mind. But hey, everyone has a chance.
FUCK NO DUDE.. CHICKS OUTTA YO LEAGUE SON!!11 lol. this is my last post bfore i leave onto oder stuff p.s. no. dude get that bullshit outta your head. :rl: in my experience. girls just want a guy who feels good about life, if you feel good, they can feel good around you which is warm and fuzzy and you guys have loads of fun! all other stuff is really people trying to sell you something lol (buy a car so you can get the girl.. who do you think came up with that?? .. a genius that's his fam's prolly still bankin mad cash. same thing with be mature.. akturally that might be the kid [me lol] in high school who's like i can't get the girl... i'll blame it on the fact that the older kid's are more "mature" than me.. rather than the fact that he's [I'm] inexperienced with chicks so my ego don't get hurt)
I don't think a 3 year difference is such a big deal as long as both of you feels comfortable being with each other. Age difference is often seen between an older male and a younger female but I believe 3 years is not that significant.