Ages of people posting on this section of the forum

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by DC003, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    im sure u can post it again! =D

    hmmph mayb i should go find my other post and edit htat, since its got my age there ><
    im sure u don't remember it rite =)
  2. peachy

    peachy Well-Known Member

  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @XJ and reno: I edited mine just because I am feeling ancient lately... :D Don't need to have people quoting me to remind me how ancient I am...
  4. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    just turned 24. Feeling old here, but still in my prime!
  5. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    Don't worry kids, I'm the oldest here!

    I "think" I know a lot about sex...but clearly I know nothing about relationships. So, my advice would be useless to you =P
  6. edmundteh

    edmundteh Well-Known Member

    dont think u all can beat me.
    anyway, shall keep it a suspense.

    maturity thinking doesnt have an actual age digit to it. some old-fart could still be having a thinking that is ignorance and totallyl un-acceptable.

    excuse my language.
    bt some do choose not to grow up.
  7. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    I don't look a day older than 1 and a half years... but I'm older than DuchSauce.

    It's the 12-15 y.o. responses that I have me stop replying to most of the threads in this section. Lots of "go with your gut" answers and how they "feel" with no real experience to back up what they say... but it seems like that's what the posters want to hear, so I just let it bet.
  8. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    That's a relief, I thought I was extremely old when I browse through the first few post. Experience in a certain department in your life doesn't go by how old you are imo. Just because a person is young doesn't mean they haven't have any experience at all. Some may have more experience than older people.
  9. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    Its comforting to know that there are at least a couple people that are older than me...-sweat lol I've been feeling like an old lady nowadays..
  10. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^ lol.. those who dun post are probably really young.. or really old.. so Im pretty sure there are much more older than you -lol
  11. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    ^lol! yay! I know I'm not that old lol its just that the kids these days are so different from when I was younger..err, I sound like a granny, -wheel (minus the beard lol)time for me to stop talking, byeee..
  12. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^ haha.. yea.. times change real fast.. for better or worse.. take care
  13. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    I agree with that.

    If a person has had the experience though, they wouldn't sound like a 12-15 year old. It's a content based age rating, not their actual age. So a person that sounds like they are 12-15 years old doesn't necessarily mean they really are 12-15 years old.

    As for the old ppl comments... the older we get, the faster time flies... >.< If only I could be 10 years younger with the knowledge that I know now... sigh...
  14. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    it's ok 50 is the new 30!
  15. lotsofmsg

    lotsofmsg Well-Known Member

    Well age does tell a lot, relationships from a 18 year old and a person that is 25 varies a lot... i think..
    my age and at most ppls around my age there is already prospects of marriage and finding that special person to live with..

    Compared to somebody that is still in their early 20 or 18 or younger. their piorities are totally different from somebody that is in the late to mid 20's
    For sure when i was a teen dating really didn't mean much, and it was really just the thing of the time more of join the ban wagon where since everybody else has a boyfriend or girlfriend.
    Truthfully if u think about at in your teens are u really looking for that special person to live your life together forever? And really for those ppls that are a lil older look at all those HS sweet hearts either u or your friends has. Have they really lasted? tonns of mine didn't. and its not until i get older i see that now is the time to really look for that special person because it is the age that everybody has that right of mind.

    BTW i am 25