I know next episode is going to get good! Alvin kicks or knocks away the coffee refusing June to marry Solar. Wonder what is his reason?
why do i have a feeling like there is going to be an open-ended ending for this couple!?!?! i just hope that they will get together soon!!!! Its cute how they liked each other from the beginning (when they were still in school), and they still have feelings for each other after so many years!
I wonder at the moment if it's a good idea for June to be having an underground relationship with Alvin. I know she's trying to help Solar get back on his feet, but what happens when he does and then he finds out June and Alvin were having an secret relationship. It will probably bring him down again.
She should just announce to everyone her choice (Alvin). Solar is a mature man, he's just gotta learn how to deal with the blows that one gets in life. Everyone does!
This series isn't ending at 120 right because seems like stories are unfolding yet? Because since June has dig a bigger hold leading Solar on, she'll have to get out of it now
I actually meant Mother's Day, May 13th, but that's this weekend. So excited to see their wedding. I'm so happy for them.