Am I the only one who gets annoyed with women clogging up busses with their army of buggies?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Bulla, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Take a chill pill ... economic times are bad. Not every family have 2-3 cars at their disposal.
  2. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member


    I agree, a man fell on a womans vagina nekid accidentally [​IMG]
  3. yo, chill out..... i use that excuse all the time :trollface:
  4. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    most of "those" mothers don't even pay for it
    comes outta our tax payers money >.<
  5. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    wow, such assholes in this thread.

    How could you guys say that they shouldn't be out on PUBLIC transportation and talk about how they shouldn't have the kids if they can't buy a car. I didn't know it was REQUIRED to have your own means of transportation in order to have a child. So just because you get a little annoyed then they shouldn't be out in public and taking the bus? Selfish. Again, it's public transportation. If you don't like it then you go buy your own fucking car since you so fancy.

  6. preach it sister!
  7. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    Yes, everyone's entitled to have children when they want, accidentally or not just as everyone is entitled to their opinions. If you don't like what you see or you're offended by what you're reading here, then don't comment. No need to bring yourself down to the level of calling people assholes. This is the rant forum after all...of course people are going to complain and bitch.

    Also, since it's public transportation as you've said, everyone should also be considerate and have public courtesy in mind when they bring large things onto the busses as well no?
  8. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Preach it Brother/Sister!
  9. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    Just as you have the right to rant here I have the right to respond and express my own opinion. This thread is up for discussion not a gathering for you people to agree with each other. Just because someone's going to complain and bitch doesn't mean they can go and talk down on mothers who can't afford a car.

    Yes, it is important to have common courtesy, but who ever said it was rude of them to bring what they need on a bus? Handicap people who use wheelchairs, those are big.. do you think they shouldn't take the bus either? If they are purposely putting in the middle of the walkway and don't bother to try and make space when someone needs to get through, then I see why you would be angry but most mothers try their best to get it out of the way.
  10. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    Never said that you can't express your opinions. Just saying if you're going to respond, there isn't a need to call names.
  11. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    then don't tell me I shouldn't comment if I disagree with you all/feel offended.
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    There are more things to worry about in this world than people on a bus

  13. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    same can be said for almost any rant that has ever been posted on this forum. The point of this section is not to discuss world issues, its to rant about something.

    Rant Section Description:
    Thats pretty much spot on, sometimes its just like that. But you need to distinguish between annoyance and anger, i don't think anyone really said they were angry about it.
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Your comment is somewhat worrisome; I suspect that some component of anger management may be in order. On the basis of your above statement alone, you sound like a prime candidate at risk for inadvertently hurting an annoying but otherwise defenseless child via Shaken Baby Syndrome. Many well meaning people grab babies and give them a strong jerk, ostensibly just to show the baby how angry the baby's behavior is making them feel. Unfortunately, that simple little jolt can result in a murder charge and a lifetime in jail for the one who cannot deal with his angry urges.


    And no; I'm NOT kidding. Even very intelligent people (like doctors and lawyers) have been convicted of shaking their own children to death. Since you already recognize that you have this psychological vulnerability (your stated desire to bring suffering upon them by your hand), I suggest that you seek counseling before you're ever confronted with such situations; it may save the life of your child.
    #34 ralphrepo, Jul 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  15. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    ^ *slow clap*

    thank you for your post LOL
  16. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    Wow, that diagram is quite informational. Blah blah, I said I have the urge to hurt them. That doesn't actually mean I'd do it. I think there's a difference in thinking something then acting on it. Besides I also have the urge to slap people who pisses me off; doesn't mean I do that either. Guess I'm just an emotionally-unstable, psychologically sadistic and generally angry person. I guess it's a good thing that I don't have a child nor do I want one.
  17. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    Yes well even people who didn't have an urge to do something do it, so why wouldn't a person who did have an urge do it when pushed to the extent?

    If you were annoyed enough, you just might~
  18. when you have an urge for something..... you will give in eventually. btw, don't confuse want and urge. :yes:
  19. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    ^fair enough. Want and urge are different but neither are uncontrollable. But you can still suppress the urge to do whatever your instinctive, natural impulse compels you to do. So I don't think the giving in eventually is completely true though.

    Doesn't that assume everyone acts solely upon their emotional impulses...?
  20. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥
