Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by naruto1314, Feb 15, 2006.
kurasaki ichigo =D
kurosaki isshin
Vegeta Dragon Ball Z yeeeaaahhhhh
No ways!! It has to be Trunks and goten when they were younger, so CUTE!! ^^
lol vegeta kicks ass!!! -rockon
I like Goku from Dragonball, and Uchiha Itachi & Kakashi from Naruto
ryoma echizen from prince of tennis
Yeah yeah whatever -tongue2
Fuji Syusuke from Prince of Tennis
I like kid goku!
ahh ... garaa from naruto ! and also yukito from sakura cardcaptor and tsubasa chronicle > <"
Vegeta of course -cool he is the best character of DBZ/GT gez zack1987 -lol