I thought that this Minutes to Fame was sort of more simplified than the old one. In the current one, they make all of them perform at once, even the stage winner from the previous episode whereas in the old one, they made a big deal out of announcing how much time the stage winner had to beat in order to keep their place and about randomly picking a new song. I thought that the old one was better cause it sort of made things more interesting. If they didn't know how to sing the song that they picked....well, too bad. xD It was a lot more funnier that way, in my opinion. Since this show was for entertainment, right? What do you guys think? ^.^
well in the old one even if you don't know how to sing, they have a monitor to teach you..u just lose some of ur money thats all... overall its similar enuff to be entertaining.. Sammy makes a good host in the new one but i don't think Miriam is very good at it...
the second season got more people that is doing martial arts so far.. if itz not martial arts it must be an althletic people that is on there
i think in the 2nd season they add secends to to many ppl.they just add like 10sec if the person does 1 little thing.
I dont watch much anymore but before there were some actual good singers...now ppl are just acting the fool to get more air time...which they do.
I think they are both funny equally. But it would be better if sammy could have been in the first one, would have made it more better
yeah first one they dont give money after they finish, second one they keep giving them more seconds which mean more money which sucks its like kids on there standing doin shit n get 30sec, finish ask the kid a few question wats ur name then they freaking add like 20 sec that s 50 secs fuckin $5000 OMG alot of money i want to go too
i think it's like $5000 in HKD, which isn't that much xD In US, it's like 600 bucks or something...i guess it an okay amount -lol
lmao, yeah. you know that girl who imitated her on ep13? rofl, i was laughing my head off. the way the girl laughed was so similar to the way miriam laughed -^_^
saw saturdays one and i can't believe that 14 year girl from hk nearly cried. i mean if u go on u got to accept critism. malay girl got really annoying, like 1 of those dolls which keep laughing.
I thought that this season of Minutes to Fame, it's not really about singing well but ... just how entertaining they are. o_o Like in the first season of Minutes to Fame, there was that little kid who sing so well O_O LMAOS and like .. they were just listening to him sing .. and that .. guy who could imitate different singer's voices .. he was a great singer. In this new series, all the contestants are just .. singing and doing something entertaining making them not ring the bell on them becasue it's just so exciting. Sure, the first season has a few of them but it balanced out in the first season because there were also actually singers coming on stage SINGING instead of trying to do a magic trick at the same time. And I also think that they are giving a lot more money this season than the last season. They freaken ring the bell at like .. 30 - 100 seconds. That's not really like the first season because there was a variety of times when they ring the bell. o__o LOLS And plus .. Hacken and Joey were funnier than Sammy and Mariam .. all Mariam does is laugh her head off. o_o LOLS (well, Sammy is funny I guess and the guest judges they pick to come are pretty funny too ^_^).
First One was better i think because the Guests they had were more famous than the ones in the second one.