Street Fighter was a lot better with teh control factor. Mk had a block button. I never liked it. I still like street fighter best and i think is one of the best fighting game of all time.
i still like street fighter! =) the new ones are just as fun but not the same type of memories as the old ones were....ahhh used to play them soooo much
well your crazy. mortal kombat is pure poooooo. lu kang is ghey. street fighter is way betttttttttterrr
Street fight anthology comin out soon... holla.. I personally like Virtua Fighter with the Drunken Mastah!!!
hahaha... both pretty crazy... it's hard comparing fighting games with like completely different styles..
lolz, the onli thing good in mk is when you punch them like a billion times. street fighter 2 is better then the nu mortal kombatz. i dun virtual fighter lolz, i hate how yu have to jump. i like tekken though lolz =] makes me laugh haha =] gun jack can fly =D
The oldest street fighter is fix character for player 1 is Ryu and Player 2 is Ken. Then came out Street Fighter II where got 8 character to choose. "Street Fighter II," is the version got special effect where it can have multiple attack blow in same time.