Anyone else here 100% chinese but don't look it?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by ldodol, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    I was thinking the exact same thing
  2. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    I was thinking the exact same thing
  3. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    黃秋生 IS mixed, definitely. I've read his bio before! He has an English father and Chinese mother!

    And as to the original poster who started this thread.... are you sure that maybe you don't have even a trace of "other" blood, that may have dated many generations ago?

    I hate to say it, but you definitely don't look Chinese.

    Are you well submersed in Chinese culture?

    I myself - 100% chinese too - sometimes get mistaken because I have double-folded and larger sized eyes, but I dress HK and am totally submersed by HK culture (movie, music, stars, lifestyle, food, language, everything!) and almost always hang around HK people, so it kinda makes up for it. :p
    #23 hkm91450, Jan 14, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2007
  4. badbadtz560

    badbadtz560 Member

    I think you look half white half chinese. most ppl think i look philipino cause I have a big tan
  5. ldodol

    ldodol Member

    as far as i know there is no "other" blood in my family tree. I know for sure at least 3 generations up there was no mixing involved. :p

    as far as culture wise, i'm pretty much all american. i mean i still have a huge amount of pride being chinese, but being born and raised in america, the only exposure to chinese culture is at home with parents or whenever I go back to HK to visit relatives. I don't go back too often so not too much chinese culture for me unfortunately :( Recently i've been making a lot of taiwanese friends but still not culture from my native people (Guang Zhou represent!). So i guess taiwanese people just see me as being hispanics.

    not that i have anything against hispanics but at least i'm a little more glad that u guys see me as half white instead of being hispanic. :D
  6. Tiger King

    Tiger King Well-Known Member

    Wassup Vato! Haha You do look hispanic ese!
  7. Danny7835

    Danny7835 Member

    Im chinese, but alot of people said im like a japanese or korean...
  8. Jing.Tsui

    Jing.Tsui Member

    I'm 100% chinese, but my aunt in china say i'm look like Vietnamese and all my aunts friend too -.-
  9. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    i got I was thai before but then since I out grown it I guess haha gained weight look more like a chinese fat boy haha.
  10. Miliko

    Miliko Member

    Ya you look half chinese and half something else.

    My mums friend said i looked half white half chinese. even tho im full chinese.
  11. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    i kinda think he looks like my friend who also looks kinda mixed...
  12. To me, Koreans, Chinese, Japs...basically the yellow skinned ones from South East Asia more or less look alike.

    We could've all originated from the same place long ago, but due to migration, culture, food, weather...we have developed more distinguishing traits to be koreans, chinese, japs...

    Example. Singaporeans.
    Ancestors of the chinese singaporeans once came from China, but nowadays, look different from the mainlanders.

    Food & culture may play a part.
    Example. When a chinese marries an indian. Meet that person 20 years later, and somehow, in certain cases, looks so indian, you couldn't tell that he/she is a chinese.
  13. aringpingpong

    aringpingpong Well-Known Member

    i thought you were a mix at first glance.
    asian and something?
    maybe your genes decided they wanted you to look more like a westerner-shrug
  14. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    but then we do have different facial features like koreans got smaller eyes and japs got a more sharper face i guess you can say.
  15. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    yea i would have never guessed you were chinese

    what about me?

    i'm always stuck with that too

    i keep getting vietnamese or philpino
    i even once had someone ask me if i was native american . . .

  16. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    oh that's me by the way, what do you guys think?
  17. Edina

    Edina Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, you really don't look like a 100% chinese, I don't even really think you look asian on this pic^^ you look like an italian boy or something like that, but maybe it's just this picture ;)
  18. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    wow i know people who can disagree with that statment

    people from the different regions on china can have their distinct looks
    besides their acents and habits that just push the defining line even more
  19. ldodol

    ldodol Member

    I would've guessed philipino too. are u used to people telling u that now?

    i got a new co-worker earlier this week and she thought i was korean. thats a new on for me :p
  20. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    You look like an overseas Chinese, ie. Vietnamese Born Chinese. Those type - based on your picture.