I was wondering if people here are interested in joining the show. If i join the show, i definitely won't even pass the preliminary rouund. Why? Simply because i have no specialty.
I probably thought of it from time to time, like "Wow, he/she sucks, I could probably do better," but I live in U.S so I'm probably not gonna go halfway across the world to compete. lmao. But, seeing how i make fun of the contestants at home, i'd probably be worrying about ppl making fun of ME -lol
this show is like humuliating yourself if you really want to make people laugh unless you really got something interesting like the guy emulating singers
the show is to show off ur talent u wont be humuliated if you know really do have the talent...for me i would never join to show cuz i get really shy when every1 looking at me..and the fact i cant sing
In Australia, they're having the comp. again. My friend went last time and she nearly got through...she was so close! She is going to try again this time...I hope she gets through to HK. She was really good and that if she doesnt' get through this round she should pursue her career as a singer. She is seriously sooo good. If any of you who live in AUS want to see her, go to Iron Chef where they'll be performing...Her name is Samantha Hoo [chinese is Fu Zhi Hoon]. Remember to look out for her!!
i'd like to join the show but probaly wont cos i get stage fright n nervous when i hav to sing in front of pple..
nahh.. the host teases people alott... no offensee theyre kinda meaan especially sammyy. and theemm ..