:trollface2: I only speak the troooof go to your profile> edit profile button> under your photo click change photo. voila~
Google on my cell, my email, my search history, my browser, and now my social life. They everywhere! Poor nas, can't try to enjoy G+ cause he got no friends ;(
a lot of ppl just seem to have a google+ profile, but thats about it. There's nothing posted really. I think Facebook has just became such a norm that Google+ is more like a fad that will probably die off.
I think most people just saw the invite, joined then tried to find friends. However, most people are lazy and no one upped a picture. So people just kinda abandoned it lol
I solemn go on Facebook any more, let alone Google+. I'll check Google+ occasionally if I see a notification through gmail or google, but that's about it.